This malware can bypass Avast’s sandbox >:(
[ Z-bot ]

Send the file to please. :wink:

I have submitted several times but nothing

it should be detected by FileRep.


Unfortunately NO

For me its blocked.

FileRep only detects things when they are executed. :wink:

If you’re attempting to launch Spyware inside of your actual cmputer you’re an idiot. At least get like a VBox. Avast nor any other AV is going to block this stuff 100% of the time.

Im not an idiot i ran it in a VM… :smiley:

Why are you running it at all?

My comment was directed at the OP avastuserX, not you Steven. It’s obvious he doesn’t know what he doing, given their is WTF in his topic post and that he expects a 100 percent blockage against

Not only that, it is against forum policies to post a link anywhere to live malware. Who knows who might click on it, and execute the file.

Anyone who does not know better, I’d assume.

Please remove the live link asap. :o

Removed :wink:

Well i beg to differ sir.
You must be an idiot if your tinkering with malware in the first place.

Do you want to get infected or something.?
And please do not come on to this very forum moaning if your system does become corrupt.
That is all i have to say on this ridiculous thread.

Many thanks. ::slight_smile:

First submission 2013-08-16 14:34:21 UTC ( 1 month ago )

The file is old,plus in real world this is close to extinct,but since you had the sample its great to have avast filerep get it.

Thanks for helping to improve detection guys,great work! 8)

All I want to do is to improve Avast :slight_smile:
Good news
Sample detected in the last update ;D [ Win32:Trojan-gen ]

Actually it’s quite common for people to tinker with malware. Shall I start listing names? Britec, RogueAmp, Dannoct1. Removal Experts. All kinds of people. At least he did it the smart way in a VM where it’d be difficult to infect the host machine

Hi all,

I agree with Alan. In my opinion, messing with malware isn’t a big concern or security risk if you know how to do it properly.

As avastuser1994 states, avast! now detects this file as Win32:Trojan-gen.
