Hello. We have users that have reported that Avast is blocking www.KitOnline.org as a malicious URL. As a workaround, we’ve given them instructions to “disable for 1 hour” which gets tedious throughout the day when we have a lot of teachers accessing the site.
We have sent multiple emails to let you know that the website is legit for schools and should be removed from your blocked list.
We also contacted the organization to let them know so you’ll be hearing from them, too.
Hi cyssfts,
Giving others advice to disable antivirus when it warns you is equal to sticking a black tape over the “engine failure” sign in your car when you want to use it. You are not solving the problem at all, you are merely silencing the warning. Worse, the users are unprotected from other threats during that period.
These multiple emails that you speak of - which was the recipient(s)? When did you send them?
I cannot see anything wrong with the domain right now, so I am unblocking it ;), but that does not mean the security holes were patched and that it won’t be blocked in the future again.