
Pavel, all,

Excuse the strange post, I’ve not gone totally bonkers and I will delete it soon.

I am just trying to find out if I have a keyboard error, an application error, an incompatability with a MAC or a virus

A to Z
Upper case:-
Lower case:-
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Numbers 0 to 9:-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exclam. mark:- ! !!!
Double quote:- “x” “””
UK Pound:- £ £££
US Dollar:- $ $$$
Percent:- % %%%
Caret:- ^ ^^^
Ampersand:- & &&&
Asterisk:- * ***
Open parenthesis:- ( (((
Close parenthesis:- ) )))
Dash:- - —
Underscore:- _ ___
Plus:- + +++
Equals:- = ===
Left brace:- { {{{
Right brace:- } }}}
Open Sq bracket:- [ [[[
Close Sq bracket:- ] ]]]
Colon:- : :::
Semi colon:- ; ;;;
Strudel:- @ @@@
Tilde:- ~ ~~~
Hash:- # ###
Single quote:- ‘x’ ‘’’
Open angle bracket:- < <<<
Close angle bracket:- > >>>
Question mark:- ? ? ?
Oblique:- / ///
Backward slash:- \ \
Comma:- , ,
Period:- . …


what do you mean by “an incompatability with a MAC” ? >:(


The information you provided seems fine to me with no observable discrepancies.

What exactly is your problem anyway?

Compatibility with MAC???

MacLover should be able to help you with MAC.


Your post writtings do not seem incompatible…
Everything looks fine ::slight_smile:

yea techie I could help with the mac problem. thats one of the big reasons why im here !!!

Mac, Techie, Technical,

Thanks for the input :slight_smile: , but just because Mac has picked up the one of the possibilities I mentioned, this is not necessarily the case ??? .

Recently, I noticed my ‘local’ (stored on my PC) website pages had lost there formatting (ie code writing conventions, for want of a better description). The code was all over the place in Notepad, not changed code wise, but carriage returns and breaks etc gone crazy.

Next thing is, a friend who uses a Mac tells me my e-mail messages have lost the formatting when read as html but not when read as text ??? (the mailer making two copies of a message if rich text is involved).

I haven’t got to the bottom of this yet, but I’m guessing it could be any of the options I mentioned. MacLover, no need for the ‘angry’ smilie, I’m not knocking MAC’s ??? :slight_smile:

Techie, Technical, thanks for confirming that my characters appeared ok. The most obvious oddity I have found so far is that if I send a message to my Mac friend containing three consecutive periods (a bad habit of mine), it is reproduced on the receiving Mac as a ‘Creek type’ character!. I also noticed in my post that the three periods look like a smaller font than the single one!

Sorry it’s not easy to explain.

Right now, I’m either working on it, or drowning it out in a bottle of Kentucy’s finest ; 8) :wink:

Thanks guys.


Are you using IE6 by any chance?

This sounds like an IE6 html handling problem.

I kind of remember that a user had somehow “lost” the Dynamic html handling file which caused some weird problems with html coupling.

Maybe something similar is happening to your IE (if that is what you use).

Just a thought.



:‘( :’(


Version 6.0.2800.1106
Build 62800.1106
Application Path C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
Language English (United States)
Cipher Strength 128-bit
Content Advisor Disabled
IEAK Install No

Was there a way to confirm the problem/fix, if you remember ?

Thanks W.


The user in question did a reformat of IE to solve the problem with Dynamic html coupling.

Although this is not your exact problem, I believe that IE is the culprit here.

Reformatting IE is certainly easier and less troublesome that messing around with reformat of Windows.

Hope this helps.

I will try sending you a screenshot of the users Windows panel, but I never was much good with using that program. ha ha

Um…NO good on the screenshot. It should take 150kb and the jpeg file is only 48.5kb but it won’t Save to the forum. You should be able to see it if you go through the post. http://www.avast.com/forum/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=1758;start=15


Thanks Techie,

How do I get to those menus in those screenshots?. I can’t recall ever seeing them on my system.

Also, sorry anote question, how do you go about just reinstalling/reformatting or whatever IE. I’ve always gone for the ‘subtle’ approach ::slight_smile: and reformated/partitioned and re-inst’d the entire OS… now tell me that there is a 5 minute way of doing it and I’ll kick myself and get drunk :slight_smile: :wink:

Thanks, W.


As far as I know, IE can be uninstalled just like any other program through the Add/Remove function.

As long as you have a new copy (there should be one on the Installation disk), then just find the setup.exe file
W95/98 and I think 2000 allow removal fairly easy. XP does list IE in the Add/Remove but I never tried it from that platform.

Some Installation (Recovery) disks allow restoration of PROGRAMS alone.

Good Luck,

Thanks Techie,

I’m going to search around my OEM CD and find out what is or is not possible. It could be a case of hitting the Enter key and running and hiding until it is all over… :slight_smile:

Some investigations I have done, have led me to character set issues (possibly between my MAC friend and I). Being nearly a hundred years old, you would have thought I’d know something about ‘ellipsis’ , I never knew this is what three periods are (poor education :-[ ) . My MAC friend, see’s these three periods as the Greek ‘Sigma’ symbol and it looks from the original list that I posted, that the board shows three periods as a ‘proper’ ellipsis (small dots).

Still this doesn’t resolve all the issues, so I’m on your IE re-install track :wink:

Thanks W.

Walker, do you want to 1) make screenshots or 2) ‘find’ menus in some specific posted screenshots (that I’m not finding where these screenshots are…)?

Techie, Technical,

Finally got around to looking into re-installing IE.

I could well be something that I am missing, but Windows will only allow me to add or remove the IE icon from the desktop. … this is what Control Panel → add/remove programs does for IE. I guess that is right because the IE browser is an integeral part of the OS (why Bill Gates got sued :slight_smile: ) and to remove it would I think leave the OS u/s ???

Might be the old Fdisk if I can’t find the problem :cry:


Your signature, Walker, is one of my best ;D

I was afraid of that. Fdisk may be the only solution at this point.
Sorry I could suggest more but I can’t “see” the problem as you Mac friend does.

Good luck,

Tech. … 8) :wink:

Techie. … not to worry, thanks very much for trying :slight_smile:



It IS a peculiar problem. I wouldn’t even know how to “Google” it. haha

If I think of anything, I will let you know.
I never quit, only rest awhile. ;D



To repair/reinstall Internet Explorer 6.0 and Outlook Express 6.0 in Windows XP see the [i]MS Knowledge Base article How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows XP at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=318378.

You are correct about Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. From the KB article above:

By default, Internet Explorer 6 is preinstalled in all versions of Windows XP and cannot be removed. To provide computer manufacturers more flexibility in configuring desktop versions of Windows XP, Microsoft has made it possible for OEMs, administrators, and users to remove user access to Internet Explorer while leaving the Internet Explorer code intact and fully functional to make sure the functionality of programs and operating system functions that rely on it. For example, Windows XP supports an "IEAccess=off" switch in the Unattend.txt file, and Internet Explorer has been added to the Add/Remove Windows Components section of the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel. This does not reinstall Internet Explorer.


Thanks Hornus,

I’m actually going to give it a try right now, if I get any problems it’ll be back to the total system O/S install.

Perhaps I should wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year now. … just in case :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

Thanks again everyone.
