I need help with :

Virus Name: WYX-C
File Name: Disk c: Boot record

Don’t know what to do. ???

which Win do you have ?
(If XP: Home or Pro ?)
What file system (Fat or NTFS)?

check the alarm with other sanners, too; e.g. Trendmicro or RAV OnlineScanners; pause avast resident shield first

With Fat32: you might want to work with AV-Bootdisks (see below)


Here is some info and removal instructions (ClickIt):



I’m using Windows Me and my file system is Fat32
so what do you thing i should do.

Try http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_10444.htm removal instructions for Win95/98 operation system.

this virus was found in 1999. alwil team how many reports have you recived lately of this one? I would have thought it was long gone