My laptop has apparently been infected with the XP Antivirus Virus. I have a completely white screen when I open my laptop. Any ideas how to get rid of it. Running XP on my laptop.
Do you mean by “white screen” that you cannot see anything on your screen at all?
as for XP Anti virus have you tried some traditional antispyware products? such as
Malwarebytes antimalware
or what about RogueRemover
Edit Please when trying out the products Install and update then run a system scan
you can boot into safe mode and run avast from Start>programs (depending on OS)
the command line scanner;action=printpage;threadid=7504
no screen at all
sometimes hitting escape works
do you have any anti spyware installed?
I only see a white screen. The XP screen does not come up. I am running Avast as my antivirus software
Hi GinaNew,
How to remove XP Antivirus Protection:
- Navigate to Start-> Run, type cmd in the box and click Open
- In the command window, type regsvr32 /u shlwapi.dll and press Enter
- Next type regsvr32 /u wininet.dll and press Enter
- Next Press Ctrl + Shift + ESC
- Right click on XPAntivirus.exe from the processes window and select the option to end process
- Right click on XPAntivirusUpdate.exe from the processes window and select the option to end process
- Navigate to Start-> Search, then click on Files and Folders. Search for and delete the following files:
- XPAntivirus.exe
- XPAntivirusUpdate.exe
- shlwapi.dll
- wininet.dll
- XP Antivirus 2008.lnk
- Uninstall XP Antivirus 2008.lnk
- XP antivirus
- XPAntivirus.lnk
- Uninstall XPAntivirus.lnk
- XPAntivirus on the Web.lnk
- XPAntivirus.url
- Navigate to Start-> Run, type regedit in the box and click Open
- Delete XP antivirus in the following path: HKEY_USERS\Software\
- Restart your PC
Have a nice day,
Thanks so much for the info on how to remove the program, but how do I get my screen to go from white to the XP desktop so I can remove the program. It will not let me boot with the start up disc. Its just a white screen.
Hi GinaNew,
Start your pc in SafeMode, but first close all windows and programs and
close down your pc.
Take the current off and wait for 30 secs (This is ESSENTIAL, DO NOT SKIP THIS!).
Restart your PC and keep down the CTRL and F8 keys and a menu will pop up.
Select start up in SafeMode (sometimes you first have to wait for the BIOS to load,
to be able to do this).
N.B. In SafeMode carry out the instructions as given in my previous posting, write them down
or print them out before going into SafeMode as you may not be able to go back to them…
Trying to start in safe mode did not work held down crtl and F8 but nothing happened, screen is still white. Gateway, said that it is definitely the virus.
Can you boot with ‘Last known good configuration’?
When the computer boots up only there is only a white screen, nothing else.
God… this is complicated…
You could try to overinstall Windows.
Overinstallation can solve the problem and you won’t lose your programs, settings, data, files, etc.
Just choose ‘Repair’ installation of Windows and install ‘over’ the old installation.;EN-US;315341;en-us;Q314058
Hi GinaNew,
You could boot from the XP disc and do a repair installation. This will keep all ur data in tact. When u boot of the disc, press “R” on the options, u will see it though.
I put in recovery disc and when it booted up still a white screen, it will flash to black and then right back to white.
Hi GinaNew,
Could well be a hardware problem, monitor?
I have never heard of xpantivirus doing this
what program told you you had xpantivirus?
are you running FAT or NTFS file system?
do you have the recovery console installed?
just brainstorming
can we swap out the hard drive then work on it as a slave with XP?
can we go into bios and turn off hard drive and boot off the CD or usb drive?
can we just boot into the bios and see if the screen works?
I’ll think on this option…
Do you have another monitor to plug and test?
Hi wyrmrisder,
She could also use another monitor, or it could be a graphical card problem, as you say this is not typical for the rogue XPAntivirus to cause this, but we had to try to other things first, but now I am also leaning towards hardware probs,
external monitor first thing to try