XP hangs at aswrvrt.sys

Dell workstation with XPS3, black screen hangs at aswrvrt.sys, no known changes before this occurred, possible Windows update or Avast update. FRST file attached.
Is this fixable without reloading? This is my company data server, I’m trying not to panic…

Thanks for any help!

This is my company data server
What exact version of avast do you have installed?

I can’t access that machine, but my own desktop is V 2014.9.0.2021, definitions 141023-1, which should be the same as that machine.

Attention: Could not load system hive.
From the reatogo desktop start the command prompt and type in the following :

chkdsk c: /x

On completion try a normal boot

Reports ‘Cannot open drive for direct access’.

It’s a Raid 0 which appears to load normally.

Also - C: is not visible from the desktop

As it is a raid there may be problems

What does Reatogo report as your windows drive ?

Run the chkdsk command again with that drive letter used

I see. It’s identified as RAMdisk B:

When I run chkdsk b: /x it reports ‘cannot lock current drive’

I am afraid that as you are running a Raid 0 there is not much more that I can do. The problem is that the software hives are corrupted and these files in Raid 0 are striped across drives. SO repairing it will do no good as it will break the array

Is there a reason you are running a Raid ?

OK thanks, guess I’ll start reloading.

Just checked - It’s a RAID-1, does that change anything?
I’m running RAID for redundancy, had enough disk failures to feel better with RAID

You would actually be better of running an imaging programme then if something bad does happen at least there is a backup

Raid 1 actually makes it more difficult