XP Home crash/Webshield/ZA and KB890830


I have been running a Avast!4 Home/ZoneAlarm (ZA) configuration on my XP Home (SP2) for a long time now, and i am very happy about it.

Today when i started my computer, Windows update installed KB890830 (The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool).

ZA (std) updated to 6.0.667.00.

After reboot, my system crashes when i start IE. I tried to disable ZA, but the problem was still the same. So i disabled Avast! Webshield and now everything seems to work properly. If i activate Webshield again, the crashes start again.

Now, i am not sure wether it is KB890830, ZA or Avast that initially causes the problem, but i goes away when disabling WebShield.

Has anyone else seen this problem ?

Thanks for your attention :o)

Maxthon crashed three times after that Microsoft Update.
But, fortunatelly, after booting, no further problems…

Hi i run avast full with webshied and windows malicious software removal tool and they work hand in hand, the only difference is I do not ZA i use windows firewall so I would check that ZA is not causing the problem, because does not ZA have a webshield as well.

I had one “blue screen” after update installation, when I launched IE. But after reboot everything was perfect.

I’ve the same problem!
Should I uninstall some KB from Add/Remove programm to solve the problem?
I’ve posted this problem on:

avasta … did you try Tech’s suggestion in that post?
