I have the new beta version of Parallels Desktop and will be ordering my First intel Mac in about a week. (time to replace the now three year old G5)
Thanks to intel’s virtualization technology I can run Windows in a window (:)) at native speed now so here goes, I know how OS X works for each license you purchase you can install it on one Mac, if you want to install it on another machine you must first uninstall it from the other machine.
With XP Pro already being on my PC, I plan to format it and use the PC box soley to run Linux so If I uninstall XP Pro from the PC can I install it onto my Mac (one license one Computer) or is that license tied to the PC?
Pre-installed software
If the software is pre-installed, the software lives and dies with the PC and can never be transferred to another PC
Full packaged product
With full packaged product software bought from resellers, you can transfer the software to another PC. As long as it is uninstalled from the first PC and everything is transferred with it (the EULA, the COA, the CD and everything contained in the box). You can transfer the full packaged Product licence outside the organisation, as long as it is transferred complete with discs and documentation and the software is uninstalled from the original PC.
No need to get upset over this matter… there will always be some people who will create those protection like you Kyle mentioned for upcoming OSX update… and there will always be some people to break that to pieces, I am 110% sure.
Do they pay you enough to lose your nerves over this ? I would say, let’s see what happens in the future. It looks to me like there will be some surprises… just like the story with INTEL and Apple. One day, OSX for PCs will wake up on store shelves and everybody will comment in its own way.
Can’t stop something that smells like a silent revolution…
Arguing or not… Bob and Kyle (Mac), you both are my great friends… I don’t want to see my friends arguing like this, and I am sure none of other forum members. However, everyone is entitled to its own unique opinion… freedom of speach, especially you both are from USA… remember ?
No Kyle it was a discussion of two different viewpoints and in a year or two from now, you may be selling
the product which I’m trying to get Apple to consider.
We both know that apposing viewpoints can only be resolved through discussion.
I leave the fighting to the politicians in this world who one day may also wake up and realize that
fighting solves nothing and discussions bring apposing viewpoints to a mutually agreed upon conclusion.
Have a great New Year.
Bob and Sasha,
I look forward th the day I sell OS X for all Computers. They dont pay me nearly enough but at least i have enough to live on. Have a happy new year
He may already be worried as IE & WindowsMediaPlayer are no longer supported in Macs. ;D
I heard Bill Gates owns some Apple stock & he may be the driving force to keep OSX off PCs.
It is unfair to be able to run Windows on Macs, but not Mac OS on Windows. A good lawyer could burn Apple big time on that. Such things happen all the time in courtrooms.
Why do they call Windows computers PC, but not Macs? Aren’t Macs personal computers? ;D
Macs are personal Computers but we dont call them PCs because PCs have always used x86 (like the IBM PC an hence the name) and Macs used PowerPC (until this year of course)
Todays Macs can be called PCs as they are virtually the same except for PC uses BIOS and Mac uses EFI