A couple days ago I changed a setting to “show” ongoing scanner activities on the bottom of the screen. Well, it is very annoying when my newsreader is active and I cannot locate the area where I changed the setting in the first place. I’ve searched the program, the forum, read the faqs and help files but to no avail. Hope someone can help so that I can rediscover the setting and disable these messages.
Hi, lorac,
Should be straightforward.
Left-click the Avast ball in the system tray, select “standard shield” then “customize” then “advanced” tab. Untick the box that says “Show detailed info on performed action”. You may need to do this for some of the other shields, too, depending on where you made the change. The other likely candidate is the web shield.
Thank you for the reply. I found “Show detailed info on performed action” selected in “Internet Mail.” I remember now that a couple days ago I was looking for settings to prevent timeout when receiving email. I have one email address that invariably fails to connect and I thought it might have something to do with Avast, so I checked that box and set a timeout.
Obviously I opened a can of worms. Thanks for replying so quickly. I am so glad those newsreader messages are a thing of the past!
BTW, on that advanced tab, should the “timeout for Internet communications” be selected and what is the default time? I think I messed that up when setting the “show detailed info” action in Internet Mail.
You’re welcome.
Re your question, I don’t really know, sorry. Mine is un-ticked, I don’t remember doing that but may have, so cannot be sure what the default is. My (greyed out) timeout selection box shows 120seconds.
Oh, I’m so happy I found this in the forum. Somehow mine got ticked off too and suddenly today the entire bottom half of my screen was filled with messages from Avast repeating itself (I guess in case I didn’t read it the first time). It would be nice if it was translucent, but it’s not. Thank you for helping me figure out how to disable it!
Well done, I’m glad you found it, too.
(The messages probably were not repeating themselves as such, every time a file is scanned a new message appears, which can often look the same as the last.)
Strange mine are (see image1) if I enable a) the messages and b) you may need to enable/check translucent effects (see image2) in the Program Settings, Appearance section. Mine isn’t checked yet they are translucent, so it may well be that this is a Windows setting on translucent effects.