XP safe mode stop loading at aswrvrt.sys, no CD boot access

Hello all

I see that the problem I have currently affecting an old notebook (with no internal CD drive) is not new.

I have followed previous threads, set up a bootdisk using OTLPENet.exe, and a flash drive with FRST.exe - however the (external) CD drive is broken!

The boot menu indicates that the machine is bootable from a flash drive, and I have an 8Gb flash drive I can use.

Is a recovery effort feasible with these tools?

Many thanks

In a word lets give it a try

First though I need to know what the operating system is and what bit

I.e Windows 7 64 bit

He typed XP

Yup, XP.

Created an image of the bootable disk already created using OTLPENet.exe, then used an app called “Rufus” to create a bootable flash drive using this iso. Didn’t work… perhaps because the app insisted on NTFS file system? Final lines of error log read:

Failed to add SetupSourceDevice in F:\txtsetup.sif

“BOOTMGR not found” message when tried to boot.

Will probably just get a new external CD drive tomorrow, but the flash drive would be handy to have…

Do you have the recovery console installed as running chkdsk /r from there may cure the problem

hello if someone need XP recovery console in ISO , here it is


(7.2 Mo)

I have too CD boot Dos 6.22.iso if someone need…

Finally got a USB boot, and ran the FRST tool. Report attached.

Did you used Reatogo to run FRST?

Yes. I used a Reatogo iso to create a bootable USB; and launched FRST from the Reatogo UI on the affected notebook.

Within REATOGO desktop select command prompt and type in the following command :

chkdsk c: /r

On completion retry a normal boot. If boot fails, go to REAGOTO again and produce fresh FRST report…

Interestingly, I attempted to do that. Unfortunately, REAGOTO fails to recognise the notebook’s keyboard layout, and typing “chkdsk” is not possible - that is, the output does not match the input.

Furthermore, the left-click mousepad button the notebook does not work, and the USB mouse is not recognised. I will figure out some workaround, possibly involving copying and pasting.