[XP]: ScreenSaver doesn't work anymore!

I used Avast about 4 months ago, and I liked it very much. Then, I uninstalled it to try different software. I eventually came back to Avast. One thing I notice is that the screensaver no longer works. Clicking on Preview does nothing, clicking on Settings doesn’t bring up the settings dialog either. I knew it worked before!

I’m using Avast Pro, build 4.0.202 (Apr2003)

It is a known bug. Read the subjet below about boot scan.

OK, I see.

OOOhhh!! you lucky dog getting a reply to a similar question I asked a week ago I got zip replies :cry:
Nice to see an answer somewhere anyway :slight_smile:
Maybe I should do some serious sucking & say how much I like Avast too :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
It’s true I do !