XP SP3 issues during system restore. Avast services not running after a restore

Maybe a known issue or just normal for avast 5 or Issue bug? with Windows XP.
Had to system restore my system the other day as computer froze. After system restore all avast services not running & red X in the tray. Using GUI FIX NOW BUTTON took ages to reset.
Has any one else had this as Avast 4.8 did not do this?. This problem happened on earlier versions of avast 5. I am running the latest version of Avast 5.

It could happen as the self-defense module prevents the correctly restoring of Windows.
The solution will be disabling the avast self-defense module than invoking the system restore.

disable self-defense module before attempting a sys restore, otherwise there are 99,99% chances that the restore process will either fail… or succeed with Avast not running properly anymore.

Thanks for the information. Will disable the defense module in the future. BOBO!

okay but not constantly, just when needed before launching sys restore :wink: remains the problem for those (on Vista/Seven) who for any reason wouldn’t be able to access their system anymore, not even in safe mode. Remains the option to launch sys restore through Windows DVD repair options, and if the self-defense module in on, then they’re screwed. It won’t fail, but Avast will reveal a state of inconsistency.

You can make a backup and then test the Comodo Time Machine to restore your system :slight_smile:

Stay far away from Comodo Time Machine if you value your machine and the data on it. That program has turned more PC’s into bricks than any virus ever created. It’s gets into the master boot record and can completely make the machine unusable. This especially has been happening to people who try to uninstall the program and then find their MBR trashed beyond repair.

confirming about CMT…read a few posts on Comodo forums from people who experienced a few disasters…I wouldn’t advise anyone to use it. Fine that it works for you Tech, but seriously, if you like your data, be careful :wink:

I have not liked PC bricks as they tend to be heavy and not functional unless used with many of them and a whole bunch of cement in the hands af a deft bricklayer.

and here we go:

I agree with Dch48. Stay away from that thing (CTM) because likely
you ll end up with a useless machine if used.
When I done system restore on my XP SP3 I done it uncheking the
self defense module, like Tech suggested, and it worked perfectly.
I did restore to points one or two days old.

yes but the point is just fix this issue because it doesn’t happen on any other AV that i know of so something is wrong. Doing go arounds do not solve the problem especially since it “might” work on some xp machines and some not but it seems it really messes things up in Vista and Windows 7 as per the other topics in here about it.
I would like to hear from an avast representative in here telling us they are working on a fix at least in a new version, that would ease my mind a lot because i am also trying to become a reseller for the product and i want some assurance AVAST is working on the problem. Not only is my reputation at stack but so is AVAST.

Well… in some systems… mine is Windows 7 and it’s working.

“some” is not good enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Be sure to use system restore with admin rights on XP…!!


@ robinb

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lol i have to get the 20 posts first :slight_smile:



congrats… ;D