I think it’s clear that many will remain using their XP stations/PC’s well after April 2014
After reading much on alternatives to moving from XP, most is directed to Buisness Frameworks/ Servers etc,
I’m wondering what kind of practical/effective alternative may develop from the Open Source Community in developing and distributing Fixes/Patches for XP as time goes by.
Was this not done in the past with 98?
Microsoft and Open Source are incompatible
I’ve seen two XP users moving to Ubuntu with great happiness (and Wine for the old-and-good Windows programs).
Oh… It’s harder to convince them that they need an antivirus there…
Hi Tech
I was thinking more along the lines of ‘Kernelex’ open source contribution back when Windows 98 users didn’t switch to 2000/XP.
There are folks today still us W98 as there system of choice. :
Anyway, once MS abandons XP, will this not set up the same situation? ???
Keep an eye on http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/34-windows-xp/. If there are any non-Microsoft patches or upgrades for XP, you will find them there. MSFN still has an active Win 98 board, too.
Yes, the situation will be a constant in forums, you’ll see…
If the user cannot upgrade the hardware (and paid for the software) to move from XP, then the better will be going for Ubuntu/Kubuntu or Linux Mint.
Software is in constant progress, you can’t stop…
Google is giving only 18 months for official Android upgrades… It’s hard to fight against this forced obsolecency…