won't open

Reply #12 indicates he is running IE in protected mode.

I know that, which is why I mentioned the AOS add-on as a possible conflict, as previously the same issues were found when the SmartSceeen was also enabled.

I still don’t know how the AOS got installed on IE11, unless it remained from an earlier installation of avast. If a clean install of avast 17.4.2294 were made I don’t know if avast would install the AOS on IE11.

It is a bit of a moot point as the OP has made his choice as to what to disable/remove, his system, his choice.

IE11 protect mode is still enable…all I did was uninstall Avast Security Browser extension and Safe price browser extension. These were the add on from Avast.

This morning when I first turn on this pc, click on IE icon on bottom of taskbar…bam… came on in less than 3 seconds.

Yes, it is almost an either or situation, but if you have Protection mode or possibly SmartScreen, then the chances are you are going to experience some conflicts with the AOS add-on. The choice on which you disable is entirely yours.