Yahoo IM with voice

:frowning: I have Avast 4.6 Home ed. When it was installed I had several virus issues so at that time we had to reinstall Yahoo IM. The new version was installed - with voice. Old IM worked fine with avast. On the new version of IM I cannot see what I type nor see any replies. Any suggestions. I have gone through and changed configurations, turned things on, turned things off, reinstalled IM… I’ve run out of options that I can think of. HELP! this is very frustrating.

Can’t your probles be related to previous virus infections?

Where are you changing the configuration, at IM or avast?

Do you have a firewall? Which one?

As far as whether it’s related to the viruses all I can say is that the old IM worked before I installed avast.

When we installed avast and the new IM with voice, the im did not work. We looked at the configurations of both. Made changes, etc… What changes we made I’m not sure of any more. Can you tell me what the configurations should be?

The firewall in use is the one that came with windows xp pro.

Well avast! has tons of configurations… It won’t be easy to post them all.
Maybe uninstalling, booting and installing again you’ll get the default.
Are your IM allowed to connect into Windows Firewall settings? What about avast!, is it allowed?

Just wanted to say, that it’s something strange. using latest YM with avast and ZA firewall with no problems…

Hey YLAP you’ve disappeared from forums :o :-\ :-* :cry:
Welcome back 8)

Sorry for off-topic type reply here.

No, I’m here from time to time. Just have a lot of work to do, and lack of free time is sometimes killing me! Don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you all without me here! ;D