Took 24 hours to figure it out, but my yahoo mail does not send out msgs when VPN is on. It returns an error code 475 suspicious activity. I have windows 10 desktop and a windows 10 laptop. Both have same issue. Anyone have any ideas? If not, that is a deal breaker for me.
For the heck of it, I turned VPN back on and tested it throughout the day and I am no longer having problems. The error msg is a yahoo one and the person that mentioned a new IP, I may have forced that but not sure.
Hi fellow “newbie”
I was going to ask about this message I got in my gmail; was sent by Avast the AV I am currently using and was wondering if this was one of those spam/phishing sh*t thing.
Sorry I don’t have an answer or solution, but maybe Yahoo have their own VPN and like PopcornTime doesn’t like competition ?
Anyway good luck with the problem, in my experience you will find good people and very much willing to help. 
It might be possible that the VPN IP address is being blocked as it could have been used for illegal purposes in the past by other users. Reconnecting to get a new IP address might help.