yahoo messenger virus

does anybody kno how to remove this virus, it attacks only yahoo messenger, sends out links to all in the friends list to a site having the virus , avast is imune to this.

:slight_smile: Hi :

 Probably it is more likely a "trojan downloader", NOT a "virus". I use Yahoo IM ( an "older" ver )
 and have not experienced what you have shared. Most likely one should run a Good
 antiSPYWARE/antiTROJAN program, if NOT 2 of such programs. Do you have any of these
 types of programs on your computer ?

Hi rubeshc,

Sounds like it could be Warezov/Stration which was spreading via Yahoo! Messenger, I think.

This virus is altered every few hours or so to evade detection.

You could try DrWeb CureIT!

AVG Anti-Spyware:

One of the online scanners like F-Secure or TrendMicro Housecall:

Or just wait for the next avast! update and hope this variant is added to the definitions.

there are two files svhost.dll running that should be killed the correct files are svchost.dll the fix is listed here in this yahho forum .

it gives a link to a registry fix and instructions

Ray .