<**Yahoo to You To**>

Thought this might interest Yahoo Users

Judge for yourself

Headed “Say It Ain’t So,Yahoo”

Hi P3t3rb0nn,

Yahoo has more things to answer for, take their “tracking habits” with there what they euphemistically call “web beacons”(see the F.I.B. blog), which are actually third party webbugs. There are also a lot of bots, that start where others stop (robot.txt).
If you do not specifically opt out, all your tracks lead back to Yahoo on their net and outside. The only good thing is, they are frank about this. What Google does is n’t even known, the only comment is their motto “Do no evil”, and you have to believe them for their blue eyes".



Man Oh Man polonus anonymous safe surfing is becoming more and more difficult

And that’s why I advise people to stay away from Yahoo! Messenger… see here:


I linked that thread to this one, and she’s read everything and made a wonderful decision… :wink:

Regards !

I’ve used Yahoo messenger in the past to communicate with friends overseas. Plus MSN . I gave up with Yahoo and use trillion, not much now as out of touch with people .
What stopped me using Yahoo Messenger was I tried joining a few of the chat groups available , like Astronomy, Parenting chat :wink: , whatever… and I was swarmed with “WebCam Girls” in the most innocent of chat rooms. ( ;D I don’t have a WebCam )
I don’t use messenger’s at all , but they can be really useful as a way of keeping in touch with relatives and friends in distant places , for the cost of a local call . :slight_smile: Co-ordinating timezones is the difficult part .
I use FireFox and have a MSN Hotmail account. If I use IE to check my Hotmail it’s a nightmare with their messenger , opening and closing everytime you change pages, FF doesn’t allow this which is handy.
ZoneLabs has a encryption tool/guard thing for Instant messaging which I tried out once…