Yellow status for clients in Custom group with modules disabled by admin

If we create a new Group and turn off one protection module, why do members show up in Yellow? Would have thought this is a bug? If a module is turned off by admin (eg: it is a deliberate reason) and if the member (client) is adhering to the deployment rules (eg all deployed modules active), then its status should be GREEN.

Is my logic flawed? ???

Maybe the module is crucial for the protection of the computer, you should be aware of that (by the color of the icon).

That maybe so, but I fail to see how for example P2P protection module is applicable/relevant to a Server (where P2P File sharing should never happen)

I think you need to uncheck the modules you dont want under status bar tab in the group edit.

The color of the computer node mimics the color reported by the avast! client. If you’ll look at the avast! client then its status should be “Attention” (yellow).

If we have BPP installed and we are creating a computer group on which we don’t need firewall (by disabling firewall module in console) them we should have “green” computers on that group, right?

You can turn of the monitoring of several modules.
The namingconvention is a little bit confusing tho
See the attachment

The firewall is not one of the module you can stop monitoring so the status will always be Yellow ALERT

I just created a thread for this too: