Ykg.exe; ycypub.exe; ykh.exe; yki.exe (etc.)


Today I had a virus that, every five minutes, open a page with ads and slows my computer.

Avast does not detect this virus. By searching on google, I noticed that Prevx 3.0 knows this virus and was detected on my computer.

Prevx is not free, and I do not want to pay a license for a single virus. Avast were perfect for me until today and I do not intend to change.

What can I do about it? Avast there will soon learn to detect and eliminate this virus ?


Try free Mbam…!

@ rhubain

  • You can help in avast detecting this:
    Send the sample/s to avast as a Undetected Malware:
    Open the chest and right click in the Chest and select Add, navigate to where you have the sample and add it to the chest (see image). Once in the chest, right click on the file and select ‘Submit to virus lab…’ complete the form and submit, the file will be uploaded during the next update.