Hi malware fighters,
Hackers do not need refined technological tricks to install their malware. Just asking the user to install it is another option. Researchers of Sans Institute detected a website that seemingly mysteriously infected users with malware.
That website did not use any well-known iframes exploits to infect users.
“It really comes down to social engineering, the user is just asked to install the malware”, according to SANS Internet Storm Center’s Bojan Zdrnja .
The site looked like an exact copy of the Macromedia Flash Player download site.
“The user was re-directed to a bogus version of the Shockwave Player Download Center”, adds Zdrnja. All links for the page led to genuine Adobe’s , but the ‘install’-link did NOT.
While the users installed the malware by themselves so to say, lots of virusscanners did not flag the malware.
Scaring. Check your download links, pre-scan. Exploit prevention is better than malware cure!