Called the support center. To ask for help with a error. She gave the very hard sales pitch to sell support. I told her no many times. Not only did she not help me when I said no to buying support for a product that we bought. But she insulted me many times. I kept telling her I was the tech here. I only needed help with a a proprietary piece of software that was throwing up an error after updating it. She kept telling me that I take the computer to a shop because the OS is ~~old. Yes I know the OS is old. When we bought the software that did not seem to be an issue. Now that I am experiencing problems it is now an issue. She was not nice and started getting angry and louder on the phone. That was when I started getting angry myself. I do not appreciate being insulted. Bottom line was your tech people could install a new exe file. I asked her where I could download the executable she said for $119 I could get help for a year. They would take care of our machine. I do not need anybody taking care of my machines here. I am very capable. I have been building, servicing, and maintaining PC’s since 1994.
No, I do not know everything. No, I do not understand everything. I do know when to ask for help so that the issue can be resolved. I also deal with customers on a daily basis. If me or my people talked to our customers like that they would not work for us very long. Now I am mad all over again and just ranting. Bottom line You have just lost a paying customer. Will not look back.
Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
Check : Once uninstalled check in device manager>view>show hidden devices if there is anything related to avast with a yellow triangle… if so, uninstall it and reboot.
I uninstalled and reinstalled avast twice. used the cleanup tool to remove left overs. Had same error. Did not find a satisfactory solution in the forum for my situation so Uninstalled it again, cleaned up, Reinstalled another anti~~~suite. Problem gone.
Thank you for your very fast reply. Now just mad and insulted. and mad. So will stay with the other suite for now. Thank you for every thing. There are so many helpful and knowledgeable people/techs here in the forums. I find myself going to the forums to find answers for just about everything. It has been people in the forums that have guided to where I am now. Very thankful for that. I will keep visiting forums and keep learning. Thank you for everything.
Just wondering, is the sticky for Avast Total Support still valid? Is it the phone number where some of these people are having problems? If so it should be removed.
Wow, very fast replys thank you.
By the time I posted in the forum I had already uninstalled Avast and reinstalled the other suite. No did not use your Rejzors uninstall tool I used Avast’s avastclear.exe. Then ran a couple other reg type cleaner programs. Will your Rejzors program still clean up possible things missed from Avast and other programs also?
That machine at the time only had Avast installed. I did update adobe stuff today on that machine.
The logs I believe were also deleted, when the clean up programs were run. However, when I get a chance I will check and see if they are there or not.
Thanks again for everything.
Hi digmor crusher,
the phone number I used was (866)951-7679
Yes! They will do their best to rip you off for around $170 US.
It’s a scam which IMHO avast should do without.
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