You need to format the disk message for USB storage device


I am a bit out of date on many things as most of my computer usage is unshared, non-surfing, research usage.

While helping put something on a friends computer with my 62 MB USB PEN DISK, I ended up receiving the virus/malware/trojan onto my computer through my USB storage device.

This led me to avast! av, and I now have installed onto my 2002 sony XP laptop, and my 2006 vista gateway (both with new formatted restores).

In the process avast continually detected autorun as a virus (I don’t remember if it actually said worm, trojan, or something else), even though I selected the delete option various times.

I am assuming that the pen detects that autorun has been erased, and rewrites it onto the pendisk (in effect making it undeletable). Is this assumption correct?

Or does avast actually fail to delete autorun from the pen disk?

There was also a checkbox given by avast something about if necessary disabling the file on startup. I left the checkbox checked. This happened on both computers.

I am now left with a non-functioning pen drive. Everytime I stick it into the vista or xp computer, it detectes it now as a “removable disk” device (versus previously showing it as “pen disk” in “my computer”, and when I try to open it to get the files, it gives a pop up window stating that it must be formated first and asks if I want to format it.

My assumption was that this “format” question/issue is totally due to avast. So, I put it into my old desktop ME computer, and I don’t get the format popup. The usb storage device has the files on it and I can add/delete more files using the ME computer.

So, sticking it back into the xp and vista computers, they both refuse to recognize the usb pen disk as being formatted and having files.

So, I used the xp computer to format it, but the problem simply repeats. Then the vista computer does the same (tried to format it in fat and ntfs).

This has to be due to the checkbox left checked in avast when avast asked if I want to delete the file (since the ME computer is the only computer that doesn’t have av, and is the only computer that the device remained functionable).

I’ve searched the forum and found many usb posts, but nothing to this exact issue.

Any help please?

Hi stiggybaby

Welcome to the forum.

Not really the commonplace USB issue that we get here, but you could try the following –

Bear in the mind that WinMe can run almost to normal with infected USB but over time the infection will become apparent.
XP and Vista systems will often alert immediately to infection.

Anyway here are some of the common solutions.
Try to use a clean computer to clean your USB. Maybe the WinMe to disinfect then repeat on others once you have proper running back.

For cleaning up USB drives. download either of the following setup programs to a clean PC and then run on your USB drive(s). Follow instructions carefully, whichever one you choose.

Auto Eater -


Flash Disinfector -
With this setup, you may be asked to insert your flash drive / other USB drives. Scan and clean is taking place and program will sometimes flash. Reboot computer when program finishes.

Also - Note: Flash_Disinfector creates a hidden folder - autorun.inf - in each partition and every USB drive that was plugged in to the program. Don’t delete this folder…it is there to help protect your drives from future infection.

In the meantime you could look to protect your own host computer with the following.

Obviously, you will also need to clean your computers if they are infected.

Thanks for the reply, but it appears that you have just given me the generic reply with info that I’ve already read several times in other usb problem posts.

This does not seem to apply, nor does it explain why this 62 mb usb storage device worked fine:

  1. before being infected.
  2. after being infected.
  3. during av disinfect scans
  4. on an old me uninfected computer

and NOW does not work on:

  1. a new xp install that has avast that has scanned the pen disk with the check box left on when asked to delete autorun
  2. a new vista install that has avast that has scanned the pen disk with the check box left on when asked to delete autorun

but still works fine on:

  1. the old me uninfected computer that doesn’t have avast.

but in order to get this going, I went ahead and did the autorun eater goat program thing. Pen disk still gives “needs to be formatted” message. When formated, can write files, but then when removed, and files are attempted to be opened, the “needs to be formatted” message comes back up as if I never formated it.

This has to be related to an avast setting related to the checkbox that was left checked. What did avast do???

62mb ??? Wow, I didn’t think people still used memory sticks that small anymore.

Maybe it would be less trouble for you to buy a new memory stick rather than try to fix this one.
You can get one that is has a much greater capacity for very little nowadays


I’m out of work and in a 3rd world country (taxes on electonics are through the roof), so buying anything now is out. I’m struggling with buying food at the moment.

Besides, it “should” be as easy as undoing whatever avast did.

FYI this little memory pen disk holds a ton of text. It was just fine… and I hope … need to fix it…

Yes I think spg SCOTT is correct.
But at the same time, good to have a query that is a little outside of the norm here at avast forum.
Stock answer is the one the applies to the most people stiggybaby, so that’s why I posted that one.

USB technology for hard drives was never regarded as strong, or at least long-term, technology compared with other options that were available. USB drives been around for years but only recently come back into favour, and only very recently have real advances been made in the technology. But they still corrupt easy, go wonky once infected, not really reliable technology though I havent had problems with them to speak of for a while now. Still, I never truly trust my USB. And like SCOTT says there cheap enough to replace anyway.

Ok maybe I was wrong about that in your case, sorry to hear.

Are you just taking it out and then putting it back in again or are you putting it in another pc?

I ask this because I noticed you said that the ME system doesn’t have av ( do you mean no antivirus at all)

To those that know:
Is it possible that something on the me system is causing it to corrupt, if that’s the right word

other than that, I have found that older memory sticks can be really troublesome and sometimes they just ‘decide’ to give up and not work properly


Both (between my 3 computers listed).

I don’t know the technical aspects of avast nor usb drives. I’m just guessing using the logic of if it works in computer 1 with ME without avast, and doesn’t work in computer 2 xp with avast nor computer 3 vista with avast, then the problem HAS to be something that avast is doing or has done. Something software related versus a problem with the pen drive hardware.

Hi there. I’m sorry but my earlier post cross-posted with yours so I did not know of your circumstances.

Your logic is good. Exactly how we sort problems such as these.
However, you can rule out avast as being the cause in so much as what is more likely is that the USB drive is infected so avast will not let it run in your XP and Vista computers. On the other hand, no antivirus is loaded in the WinMe computer, the USB drive will run because the malware is not impeded.
In which case the logic also stands – what avast did was detect an infection in your USB drive.

That said, the problem is irregular. probably because the USB drive you use is dated.
When the USB is inserted in any of the computers, does the autorun box come to the screen and ask what program you want to open the files with?

On the two with avast (xp and vista), no autorun message appears. I cannot check the me at the moment, as I’m at a in-laws house using internet.

Tomorrow I hope to have some other hardware worked on (hoping to get 3 of 11 screws taken out of my leg… fun huh?), and will check and revive the thread when I can return, as I really need this little pen drive.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and try to help me out with this.

The reason I asked –
When the USB drive is infected, one common symptom is for the box to come up with the question as to what program you want to open the files with.