You said someone could be watching me on my webcam but that's not true

I have a piece of black duct tape over my webcam because I’m not retarded, but your software ran a scan and said "Hello! Someone could be watching! I’m like no, I have a big piece of duct tape over my webcam because I’m only semi-retarded, but then you try and extort money out of me over it.

Well, I doubt that any software product could detect your (smart!) “hardware” solution. :wink:

I have a postit Arrow over mine, that however doesn’t stop then trying and allied to trying to use your web cam they would probably try to access the microphone.

However, I don’t find either to be a concern.
Why else would we bother to have an antivirus installed but to prevent malware getting on to our systems :slight_smile:
After all isn’t it meant to prevent external malware getting on to our systems.