So mine was a total of 1 minute as written on that threads 4th page running athlon 2400 MHz, 512 MB 2.5 year old XP Home SP2 many times security patched computer.
Approx 1.5 minutes from boot to avast icon shows no activity.
I have however totally disabled my Outpost Pro firewall otherwise that time is likely to be closer to 3 minutes. I start it using a batch file after boot, this only takes a few seconds and avast scan 450-500 files during this start (otherwise it stuffs my boot speed).
Boot times are greatly effected by the # of programs and services that are loaded at boot time.
My old clunker which runs at 1500 MHZ takes quite a while to finish booting because I load a lot of programs
when my system first starts. The # of files that avast! scans at boot time is also affected by the # of programs that get loaded at boot time.
The more programs you (I) load, the longer it will take.
Without knowing exactly what’s being loaded at boot time, it’s really impossible to make any comparisons.
I’m sure that my puter takes longer than 5 minutes to boot but with my routine in the morning, It wouldn’t matter if it took 10 min.
Till I’ve got the coffee made, I don’t really want to do anything anyway. ;D
And mine is probably the slowest but that’s by choice and not because there’s anything wrong with my system.
Not recommending anyone to install programs and have a quicklaunch icon in systray for them
That's something that's strictly users choice as are many of the settings on your computer.
What's good and convenient for me, is probably totally unacceptable for a lot of others.
It also depends on how much RAM you have installed.
When you get to my age, speed takes a distant second to convenience,
As long as the lack of speed is by choice NOT because of an infection by some Mal-ware. ;D
Absolutely agree about loading programs at startup, will slow boot, but I also agree about loading programs that aren’t absolutely necessary at boot, rather use the quick launch bar for your most popular programs and use that to start them. I have also reordered the quick launch order so that my most used programs (launch firewall batch file, email, browser and the show desktop) are visible so a single click starts my most used programs.
As far as absolutely essential programs to run on boot your AV, firewall (although mine I start manually {dial-up connections only}), basically security related programs. You don’t need media players, etc. to run on boot (they all seem to want to). I think the less you have going on at boot time the better.
I think the less you have going on at boot time the better.
[b]I still think this a a users choice issue.[/b]
However, if boot speed is important to you, then by all means,
[b]What David said is 1000% correct. The less you load, the faster you start.[/b]
David, I know I’ve already suggested in forum a lot of times, but you should test NetRun.
You can set which programs (and which delay) should run in off-line section and when you’re connected.
Very very stable and low resources usage. You can use the beta version. It’s ok and perfect.
It a must have:
Tech, I had a look at Startup Delayer that you mentioned previously but uninstalled it as other than the firewall being an absolute file accessing hog my startup is fine.
I will have a look at the NetRun program, but I don’t like using beta software for critical functions like messing with the system security, there is no way to contemplate going on-line without a firewall.
So I can’t see a better solution than what I’m using, disable it on boot and launch when the boot has completed.
Edit: I’ve had a quick look and not so impressed, no matter how stable it is, the web site doesn’t fill me with confidence.
Extract from Readme:
Howdy Folks,
Sorry NO help file! Too lazy, no time, can’t spell, know how the program works
already (duh!), etc…
Does anybody want to write one? Email me if you do!
Extract from FAQ:
Sorry nothing yet!
So very early for me to even consider, especially when there is little help or information.
Extract of History:
-- March 25, 2002 --
First public release of NetRun!
Extract of Support:
Find a bug? Have a comment! Need a feature added! Feel free to email me the details at support @ czarsoft . cjb . net
Before making a bug report please try the latest version first, I may have already fixed the problem!
Please include the version of NetRun that you are using and as much information on your system that you can. Different systems can have different problems!
Exactly, it looks unbelievable cheap. I don’t have any problems starting up my system with or without avast! I keep my startup items clean and always controled… even if stupid Quicktime adds itself, I remove it immediatelly… no need to stay there without any reason. When I need to watch something using Quicktime, I open the program and that’s it… I don’t need that crap sitting in my startup folder without any reason… Also, same thing about other things like that… Keep just necessary stuff over there, and you won’t have problems with your startup time…
It’s a beta from a long time… the author leave the project as is.
But, trust me, I’m using it for 4 years, different computers from Windows 98 to XP.
No problems at all. It’s not an invasive software that will mess critical functions… and so on…
Uninstall it and you’re ok…