Your product is very misleading

Just got the ad once again today! Avast you really need to respond… >:(

A point I made a long time ago but it is still checked by default. :frowning:

They need to pull this thing and any others like it.


Agreed. These ads make Avast look bad, period. Focus on better detection rates, less false positives, improving the product etc. and people will naturally convert from free to paid.

That doesn't change the fact this is enabled by default and the ad is hugely misleading and confusing to casual users. These need to go because they harm avast! reputation more than it helps sell licenses...
I agree that the popups should be disabled at default for paid users.
Agreed. These ads make Avast look bad, period. Focus on better detection rates, less false positives, improving the product etc. and people will naturally convert from free to paid.
I couldn't agree more ;)

You are missing my point entirely. Ads can be there, it’s the wording they chose for them that is totally backwards. They opted to pretty much scare the user about firewall being turned off even though they never had it on to begin with. But most users don’t know that, they freak out what’s wrong with avast!. That’s not the way to gain paid users. Or free ones. Fake AV’s used such tactics, remember? Showing hundreds of viruses on computer even though there really weren’t any (apart from the Fake AV itself).

The firewall popup is perfectly fine and can be there, it’s the wording that needs to improve.

Upgrade to enable enhanced firewall and improve computer security!

Sounds very different compared to original scare tactic, doesn’t it? It brings the message, but in a positive way.

Well that’s true too.

You do have a valid point.

Thanks for the feedback. I think you have a valid point here.
We have turned off the campaign now.


And besides - Windows has a usefull firewall that does it’s job. Don’t need another one.

Thank you …


Thank you!

Thanks VLK
Nice too see this resolve in the public forum. :slight_smile:

I know it’s nice to see you guys reading feedback and applying it to your product, but I’ll just point at the elephant in the room and wonder, why isn’t stuff like this discussed internally? I mean, I’m pretty sure you guys have marketing people who make things like this. One would expect they are capable of understanding when advertisement and promotions are actually damaging to the brand image and when they’d impact users in a negative way. Those people are usually paid quite well. Why aren’t they doing a better job? If they don’t understand how people use antivirus software and how they interact and react with/to it, they should come here and read a forum here and there to get an idea how people feel about things and talk to developers who actually make features for users and ask them if people would react negatively if some promotion is worded like this. I hope you get the idea what I’m talking about.

+1 Thanks for your input, RejZoR. Couldn’t agree more. If only ad campaigns were reviewed by other than ad managers before being deployed to everyone, we’d be better off. Some would never get off the floor. Heartening to see Vlk and others responding to what we post in the forum tho.

Good point, RejZoR !

So much for this being turned off - that has basically been restyled and very slightly reworded - but it is still the misleading ad from before.

It isn’t a security tip, it is a disgraceful piece of subterfuge, it is trying scare people into clicking the Big Orange ACTIVATE button and we all know what is behind that.

Avast it seems is becoming some kind of Scareware. ::slight_smile:

yeah, count me in. a few other things with this product are misleading too.

i try various ones, pay for them, and still, these draconian apps, and ads, paid or not.


off to find another free a/v. the so called top3 a/v’s, and avast is listed as one, i’m not in the mood to pay for again. i don’t see any benefit-per-dollars at all especially with all this draconian behaviour.