Hi there,
I have installed Avast Free antivirus onto my computer today, but cannot get it to work properly
Avast has the status: UNSECURED
It says I need to click the ‘fix now’ button, which does nothing. I see there is a ‘connect’ link, which when I click, it asks me for my username and password. I input the email and password I use on the avast.com site, then it says ‘Thank you for setting up your account’ and will allow me to go to my avast account, which seems in order.
The problem is that nothing changes on avast on the computer. It is still unsecured.
All of the realtime shields are off, if I click ‘start’, I get the message: Unable to start the file system shield! Shield unreachable
Under the registration area in avast, the status is: Registered
Current registration will expire on: 1012/06/24
The date of registration is: 2012/05/25
The problem seems to be the days remaining is: 0
Underneath the days remaining is a button to register, but I dont need to do that because I already have, and the status is ‘registered’
Under the settings, updates tab, the connection setting is on auto detect.
Under the cloud services, the connection is established, the Reputation services is enabled, and Streaming updates is enabled.
Under the virus definitions, Current version is Unknown, Release date is Unknown.
Program version is 7.0.1426
This is a windows XP computer
I keep going round in circles, clicking the ‘connect’ button, putting in the account details and clicking ‘connect to account’, getting the message saying ‘thank you for setting up your avast account’, then nothing.
What am I doing wrong?
I have also downloaded aswclear from avast, run it, and done a new download, re-install etc, and still I have the same problem.
Any help will be very much appreciated