I don’t appreciate the people who I have chosen to secure my machine (namely you), acting like the very malware providers I am trying to protect it against. I just upgraded your software last night to your latest version, and I do NOT appreciate you silently installing Google Chrome on my machine, in addition to your software upgrade.
I have used and recommended your product for years, but If you continue to behave in this manner, I will be forced to choose a different security product.
Please, let me add. While updating the program, if you download the full installer and you run it (instead of direct GUI built-in update), then there is a chance to unselect Chrome, even with the “typical” (not necessarily custom) install process.
While installing anew (not updating), you should also be able to unselect Chrome (and you are).
Many users are missing these check-boxes, or are reporting they are not able to find / see them anywhere. But MANY users will simply click on “update now” and that’s it, so the situation described by the OP is possible.
Avast Pro and AIS are paid for software and we too do not appreciate or need extra software installed. If we require such software we are the people who decide when and where to download it. We should not have to check boxes or uncheck boxes for unnecessary download extras. Please STOP this practice!
You do know we are just simple users, don’t you? I mean, I agree with you, and I was just adding information, but please don’t expect from those that answered to this topic to do something about it. As simple users, we can’t.
But, maybe Avast Team will see this and take note.
I didn’t realize that this also affected the paid versions. :o
I totally agree with your disappointment and certainly hope that’s fixed and eliminated ASAP.
They may in fact have a custom install that allows you to turn off the installation of this extra software. I don’t know. But I shouldn’t have to go hunting and pecking around in their installer to find the checkbox needed to turn this crap off. If they want to allow installing it as an option, fine, but it should NOT be the default to install it, and it should NOT be hidden from someone doing the most common path of an upgrade. That smacks of them sneaking around and installing stuff behind my back. Not very good behavior from a security company, whose success depends on their customers trusting them, and their software. Quite frankly, I don’t trust people who install stuff on my machine that I don’t want, without any notice.
I am a long time user of Avast, and I have ALWAYS used the built in updater from the GUI. It is the mechanism that they have themselves recommended and trained me to use. Why would I or any other user think to use anything else? I’m gonna repeat my earlier statement here. The main path of their update should NOT install extra software unannounced, and in a sneaky manner.
My post was directed at the Avast team. This is a company sponsored forum, and I have to believe that they have someone reading posts out here. I in no way was intending to blame or fault Avast users.
There is no “extra” software included with AIS now, the installer was altered, I suspect that is also true of the Pro version, besides which if you look the installation is a choice.