youtube virus? (fast help needed)

well someone sent a video saying it’s a youtube virus it’s a she

is she messing with me? the video has a dead pig in it mixed with other random content so please pm me for the link

if any admins think it’s wrong to send it through pm let me know

i just need help for a min

just incase

I don’t understand what you mean.

You may post the link here in this thread but be sure to keep the links inactive by posting them in this format: hXXp://

HI ZZCool do you mean you have a virus on your computer right now. If you do have a virus on your computer. Go to the virus and worms section and at the top click on the link that says Logs to assist in cleaning malware and download otl to your computer, adwcleaner, malwarebytes free and do a scan with each program and attch the logs in your thread please then a malware expert will be notified to help you.

Have a good evening

is she messing with me? the video has a dead pig in it mixed with other random content so please pm me for the link
impossible to say from the info given

upload and test suspicious file(s) at and test With 40+ malware scanners