What are the legalities concerning viruses. since this is an email virus, does it cover it’s tracks or can we track down this offender, and take at least one kid out of the playing feild. I find viruses themselves to be an annoyance of no accident. bugs are accidents of ignorance. viruses are a child with no parental guidance finding something which appears to be cool to do. the unfortunant facts are that viruses compilation has not only been condoned but many of them are posted throughout the net, readily downloadable…with instructions on how to execute them. Wheres FCC in all of this?
hi Cougarhaven
a e-mail virus is trackable to a certain extent…but people who are smart enough[jobless enough/mentallly disturbed] to write them can cover their trackes by setting up proxy servers see
and there is a other posibility that the initial vector may not be the actual creator…
the initial infection can start from a innocent person who has either download the virus hidden in some other program/visited a hacked website/a server temporarly hosting the malware/or it could be spread using a public network like ur university or libirary etc…
and there are instanced where it has been traced…
or at least the log was present as evidence in court…
do u remember the infamous W32:SASSER ??
and u may want to check this out
The problem is a great majority of infected emails come from infected systems or botnets, so trying to track the origin down is going to be very difficult.
As to the legalities, that is probably an even bigger grey area as there is no ‘worldwide’ law on the subject of viruses. So assuming you did manage to track the originator (not the unknowing person with an infected system or part of a botnet), then the task isn’t completed just entering a different phase.
Personally I don’t wast any time in trying to track the origin of spam as it is often the same circumstances with little chance of nailing the ‘true’ originator compared with the effort to track them down and try to bring them to justice.
Unfortunately I think the same is true of viruses, for the most part these viruses or suspect email don’t even get to my system as my anti-spam can also be useful in filtering out the suspect email too. Many of the emails are now phishing attacks, so there is nothing malicious in the email, just trying to fool you into visiting your bank/credit card/paypal site about security checks, etc.
I fear the reward in tracking any of these down is vastly out weighed by the effort involved, life is too short, just delete them and move on.
yes i agree with u …they target people who are related to the malware writers eg friends/family to turn on the coders which is long shot…
i think they should target the net underground from the inside…
like by spies…
these spooks could like take out a small network…and this would create fear and suspition among them…
there have been similar operations on TOPSITES…and piracy issues cos BIG companies back them up…
while the lesser evil…virus coding is being ignored…
see lnk
What they are trying to do is take down the spambot email address harvesters and going after the people responsible for harvesting the emails.
I believe they seed unique emails never released/used to try and say for sure this has been harvested. This is a very over simplified description though and I’m sure it is more complex.