Zone Alarm 5.5 & Avast 4.6.691

Are there any problems encountered installing Zone Alarm 5.5 with Avast 4.6.691 already installed? I just found this link to Avast.

“If you are using ZoneAlarm with Privacy Control turned on. The current version of WebShield’s transparent proxy is incompatible with ZA’s Privacy Control features.”

If I modify my proxy settings will all be well?

I do have a dial up connection ( soooo slow but only satellite available in my area and that is much too expensive), and Windows Firewall enabled. My system info is in my Signature. Is Zone alarm necessary?

If you have windows firewall why do you want ZA ?? or are you going to turn Win Firewall off ??

The win FireWall moniters inbound connections only, not outgiong as does ZA

No, but I read somewhere in this forum that windows firewall only checks incoming not outgoing, and it was necessary to use another firewall to be complete.

I would prefer to not install another software program (Zone Alarm) if it isn’t necessary. I don’t download to a website and use my computer mostly for checking mail and the internet. I almost never forward email.

only checks incoming not outgoing that is correct

ZA offer outbound protection that Win Firewall does not. I have been using ZA Pro for a long

time now and the only incompatibility issue is with ZA’s Privacy settings IE. Cookie Control, Mobile Code and

Ad blocking. This is a ZA problem not Avast the people of ZA have been made aware of this problem

however have done little to nil in rectifying the problem. with these setting disabled ZA works very well.

There are many other freeware programs that can deal with Cookies Mobile code and Ad Blocking.

The latest version of ZA is 6.0.631.003

Installing another program is up to you my friend ZA offers just that bit more security , protection detection

I assume there will be no other problems with the free version 5.5

Sorry roro I do not use 5.5 do a search on the Za web site and forum to find more info

All the Best

Thank you for all your input.
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My pleasure great bunch of very helpful people on this forum stick around roro

I have not encountered any problems combining recent (up to current) free versions of ZoneAlarm with recent (up to current) free versions of avast!.

There have been some reported issues with ZoneAlarm Pro (paid for) versions and the avast! team have provided information recommending turning off some features of ZA Pro versions while the inconsistencies are resolved.

Further information on issues with the ZA Pro versions is readily available by searching this forum.

I use ZA Free with Avast and have no problems. The privacy control is only is the Pro version. ZA will disable the Windows firewall as it is not needed with ZA. There is a check box under Firewall/Main/Advanced. ZAF is one of the best firewalls out there and a great compliment to Avast.

Well I installed ZA 5.5 and didn’t take up their offer to try ZA Pro. I was a little afraid of all the Privacy settings in the Pro version and wouldn’t buy it anyway. Everything seems to be working for now, and I allowed Avast to access the internet.
There doesn’t seem to be any problem with the Web Shield.
Thanks for all the help.
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: