Zone Alarm still doesn't recognize avast!

After re-installing ZA, I noticed that they still ignore avast!
so I’ve decided to leave then another love letter.

A little support noise may not help but it sure wouldn’t hurt. ;D ;D

hey Bob it would need to be a bloody big noise matey with just a tinge of hurt ;D

It may >>> with the emphasis on may? Remind them that this has been going on for??
What year is it again?? ???

Good on you bob3160 ;D If it feels good do it !
I note the replies aren’ t at all sympathetic ,in fact pretty pathetic .
“Our people just make their security program detection a little smarter.”
“… complaining here won’t do you any good.Contact support and express your feelings to them…”
In the end it’s just business as usual for ZoneLabs . They can’t even build a proper Un-Installer for ZA !

Hell if you can’t complain on the forum associated with zonelabs where the he** can you complain that will get a positive response. Obviously the forums is just a talking shop and no action, kind of pointless or these that responded are wrong, considering one of the respondents was ‘Jeruselem’ a Senior Contributor, to what I might ask.

I added my two cents to your post bob. ;D I agree David, It sounds like the people from Zone Labs don’t even look at their own forums.

I guess they wear rose colored glasses at the ZA forums, They removed my post because I agreed with you bob.

From the replies on their forum it’s plain to see that it’s just a fan club.
Apparently no one has any authority or any actual input to Zone itself.