I, too was having problems with the web shield using Zone Alarm and trying to retrieve Yahoo mail. I set up the localhost/port 12080 solution in my Lan settings and now have several questions:
Once you set up the proxy server, am I correct in assuming that you have to uncheck “automatically detect settings”?
Can someone explain how using port 12080 won’t slow down the connection to the net? Logically, it means that you are just opening one outside port instead of allowing your computer to search all ports.
Do I have to make any adjustments in Zone Alarm for this proxy server setting?
What exactly does the webshield do that Zone Alarm doesn’t?
I’m also finding that I have to sign in to this site repeatedly, if I want to post a new message, or reply to another one. Anyone know the reason?
It’s probably a Zone Alarm issue.
I can answer that question: Webshield will scan the webpage your trying to open for any virus, virus are commonly lurk with in the website itself. ZoneAlarm just blocks any univited guest entering your computer but it dosn’t control you from opening attachments or downloading things.
When you log-on to the forums, ensure that you tick the keep me logged on and as RejZoR said ‘Disable Cookie and Ads blocking in ZA’ (or allow cookies for forum.avast.com) because in order to keep you logged on, the avast forum uses a cookie/s.
Do you mean just for avast.com, or for all sites if I’m using the Webshield?
I’m just wondering that if between MS Anti-spyware program, Spybot, ZA’s cookie blocking and firewall, IE 6 security settings, and Avast’s Webshield, all those programs aren’t creating an major confilct where all the DLL’s are sort of digitally arguing with each other!
It sounds like a great tool, but isn’t Spybot and MS Anti-spyware program supposed to be doing the same thing? Are all of you who are running Webshield not running any other anti-spyware programs? I’ve having trouble getting
“page 2” of certain webpages to open, and I’ve noticed 5-10 second delays when clickin on url’s within a web page before another page opens. This only started when I re-started Webshield after months of leaving it in its “terminated” state.
If you are asking whether many similar programs together may create conflicts especially when configured incorrectly - then the answer is YES.
We don’t like ZA’s cookie blocking features because they don’t seem to work properly. The problems are clearly visible with WebShield but these are not only standard compatibility problems where two programs (ZA and avast!) are getting into each others way - there are also bugs in ZA. Anyway cookies are not intelligent creatures, they are simply strings of text. I don’t see any reason to block cookies twice (in IE and in ZoneAlarm). I don’t see any reason to block cookies at all (on your personal computer, when reveling e.g. your name to yourself is not a fatal thing), but that is my personal preference.