ZoneAlarm free firewall + Avast 6

I had already ZoneAlarm free firewall and Avast 6, but when i uninstalled firewall, and try to reinstall it won´t let me.
Here is the message:
ZoneAlarm cannot be installed on system already has AVAST Antivirus installed.
Before it worked very well together… What is the problem now…?

Ask the ZA guys… :wink:
Btw, I wouldn’t use ZA at all.

I wouldn’t use ZA either and if you do a search you will notice lately there have been alot of ZA and avast issues, seems the latest ZA has to be installed before your AV.

Ok, what free firewall would be good?

Online armor would be the top pick for me for free or privatefirewall which is extremely light to run and has great reviews in the wilders forums, there is also outpost security suite free and comodo for free but you have to download the suite and then choose to only install the firewall.

Use the forum search function…!
There are many topics related to free and compatible FWs already.
Or just look at the sigs of the users, who frequently post here. :wink:

This sounds strange, uninstall both ZA and avast 6. Make sure there are no other software firewall or antivirus are on your computer.

Reinstall ZA, restart your computer.

Reinstall avast, restart your computer. I’m assuming your using avast 6 Free Edition.

It also depends on which operating system you’re using.
If you’re using Windows 7, simply let the built in firewall do it’s job. :slight_smile:

Sorry, but what sounds strange to me is that you don’t use avast! anymore and still give advice regarding to it…???

Get rid of the ZA I dumped it years ago when it started getting bloated up. I use Comodo free just the firewall.

Oops! I should’ve told you to download the avast! uninstall tool and run it. :-[ My fellow avast! Evangelists should’ve reminded me.

ZA has a built-in uninstall tool that runs automatically whenever ZA is uninstalled. :slight_smile:

Sometimes software becomes corrupt, it can happen to any software.

It’s good to run a software’s uninstall tool (if there is one) whenever you uninstall or re-install software.

Doing so can reduce problems.

I think it would be a good idea if avast! would follow ZA’s lead in including a built-in uninstaller that runs automatically on uninstall. :slight_smile:


My nephew uses Windows 7, while using the built in fw he got infected thru Yahoo messenger, the built in fw didn’t do anything to stop the malicious

file from infecting his computer. I asked him to download ZA Free and install it, he did so.

The next day someone else sent him a file thru ym, ZA presented him with a pop up asking him if he wanted it, he chose no. ZA saved the day.

I think you should reconsider your fw choice.

The job of a firewall is to block ports. It isn’t to block malicious programs.
That’s the job of your antivirus program.

Avast! didn’t do any thing, either day. It was ZA Free that saved the day.

Yahoo Messenger is an IM program.
avast IM Shield must/should take care of the infection. Otherwise, it’s avast fault imho.

Provided the shield was turned on !!!

All Shields were up and running.

While avast! failed ZA stepped up to bat.

It’s important to notice that ZA Free is more powerful

than most knew. ZA Free batted a home run.

Even if you’re right, it’s a well known fact that there’s no perfect AV program.
ZA may have caught this one and I’m sure there are some that ZA missed and avast! stopped.

I agree.

Ditto issue; Avast Free version - latest; installing ZoneAlarm Firewall Pro - 2012 - won’t install with Avast on system - although using older Zonealarm Pro version (9x)!.. not Avast’s fault surely…
