ZoneAlarm incompatibility

ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0 ::slight_smile:
Indeed I never had ZoneAlarm in this computer… I’ll give reason to David arguments… I’m wrong…
The default seems to be ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0

If you’ve never installed ZA and never changed anything in the .ini file it seems that 0 is the default value yes.

In order to be sure the transparent proxy is enabled I will change to ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0. Is it any way to see in Avast if it’s enabled ?

It happens to everybody to make mistakes :wink: I believe you can change the topic “settings” in your signature.

Last questions : is it the only line to modify ? Nothing before and nothing after ?

Have I to stop Avast during the modification and how ?

Just browse… if you can and the counter increases in the WebShield provider status (left click the ‘a’ blue icon and click ‘Details’, if needed).

I want Alwil official confirmation before…

Well I have never had ZA free on this system (outpost free then Outpost Pro) since I have had avast and it is only a relatively recent check in avast’s install routine, so there is no ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0 entry in my avast4.ini

@ Mew
That is the only line that needs to be modified. You can edit the avast4.ini at any time but in this case for it to be effective you might need to restart avast or reboot.

To help clarify this whole ZoneAlarmCompatibility issue as Tech suggests (before making the changes), you could confirm at present with ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1 entry in avast4.ini that the web shield doesn’t monitor your browser.

With ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1, the webshield didn’t monitor my browser. The number of tests stayed at 0.
With ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0, all the pages I surf are monitored ! The number of tests increases.
You were right David, thank you very much !

I don’t know if I have to delete this line or not. For Tech who didn’t install ZA, there is this line (ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0) in the .ini, whereas you don’t have it…

Your welcome, thanks for the feed back.

Personally I would delete it, but if it is working on =0, then the old addage “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it” works for me ;D

Wait, so if someone answered yes to the confirmation box, they correct it by doing something with the proxy settings ?

We are taking about editing avast4.ini to correct the error and not changing proxy settings as such. By editing the avast4.ini file and either deleting the line ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1 or changing the =1 to =0 tells avast to use the transparent proxy for web shield or not depending on the value =0 (use it) or =1 (don’t use it).

avast is a very configurable AV and aside from the avast GUI settings there are ones that can be changed using the ini file.

Igor :slight_smile:

Short of an official response, if we ignore the web shield transparent proxy for a minute and concentrate the variable ZoneAlarmCompatibility and its two values, 0 and 1, Zero 0 usually means off and One 1 usually means on.

So what are we switching on or off, the ZoneAlarmCompatibility, so how do we achieve this compatibility with ZA Pro, by disabling the web shield proxy.
With ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1, enable compatibility with ZA Pro we must disable the web shield proxy.
With ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0 we don’t need to enable compatibility with ZA Pro, so we don’t need to disable the web shield proxy. So we effectively maintain the status quo and leave the web shield proxy on (default setting), so we don’t really need the ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0 line entry because it changes nothing from the web shield default.

I know you are waiting for official alwil confirmation but you know I cannot resist checking it.

I just fired up my other machine which has avast and ZA free on it. It has been a week or two since I did so I updated to avast 871 to be sure.

My avast4.ini setting is (and always has been):


and I have transparent scanning of my browsers (Firefox and IE).

Just to complete the test I deleted the line from the avast4.ini and restarted my system. As expected I got the popup window asking the ZoneAlarm Question. I responded “No” and the line:


was inserted into the avast4.ini file.

I have to infer, but have not tested, that responding “Yes” would have inserted the line:


and I would need to set up a manual proxy.

To the best of my recollection the advice in the past, if someone felt they had answered the question incorrectly, was to delete the line, restart the system to get the question again and try to answer correctly this time.

By the way, to confirm David’s logic two posts above.

When I set up my new system I intended to install ZA free on it. I have not done so but I did insert the line:


into my avast4.ini in anticipation.

I have had no issues with transparent scanning by avast of the browsers on this machine.

avast4.ini file thread was completely updated.
Not only the ZoneAlarmCompatibility value (, but new ones were added, default values set to the correct values :wink:

I will stay with this line : ZoneAlarmCompatibility=0
It seems that the line is automatically added if ZA is detected, and take the values 0 or 1 depending of the answer given (1 for “yes” and 0 for “no”), if it’s not detected, there is no entry in the .ini file.

I wanted to thank you a last time for your help !! Avast is a very good antivirus software, it’s free and there is a so helpfull community here on this forum that I’m happy having chosen Avast !!!

:wink: Exactly, same here.

Any queries…normally answered by reading the threads/‘search’ facility…no need to clutter the forum!

Thanks to all here.