ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite 7.0.337 and Avast imcompatiple!

I was using ZAISS with Avast HE without any problem since I have upgraded ZA to the newest version, 7.0.337.000…after installation, Avast has given an error message: “Found Kaspesky on system, Avast is shutting down antivirus, antispyware…”…now, avast antivir etc is not working, only web shield is active…
do you know any solution, do should I uninstall Avast? and use only ZA ???

I think you should uninstall the buggy ZA and use other free better firewall like Comodo, PCTools, Kerio or even Sygate. You can uninstall ZA and install the old version. I’ve given up on ZA a long time ago…
Are you using any Kaspersky tool?

no I am not using Kaspersky, but ZAISS’s latest upgrade is using Kaspersky as anti-vir…
so, I am using Kaspersky indirectly ::slight_smile:

Hi kocakb,

ZAISS includes its own anti-virus, so yes you need to uninstall avast!- two resident AV’s never work well together.

This comprehensive suite protects you at every level, from the deepest layers of your operating system to the physical word, delivering the most secure protection in the industry. Includes antivirus, anti-spyware, identity theft protection, operating system firewall, network and program firewall, IM protection, parental control, auto-learn, and much more.;jsessionid=GT1JzJPb8YCZ14UCu7AhhEHBzQ6jirYyxXd8KxmVseYaBOHxudu7!-1307238447!-1062696904!7551!7552!NONE?dc=56pus&ctry=GB&lang=en

ZAISS will not only have a problem with avast but many other resident on access AVs because it now has a resident AV element (probably using the kaspersky engine). Having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.

You need to make your choice which one you want and uninstall the other. This may require the uninstall of ZAISS followed by a custom install of ZAISS excluding the AV element as just disabling it wont stop it being detected.

I have finally gotten tired of installing old versions of ZA. I made the jump to PCTools on my main comp. Let’s see how that works out.

I am going to install Comodo on a spare laptop and see how that one works, too.

Thanks for the heads up.

Hi Gene J,

This is not a problem with Zone Alarm Free firewall and avast!; rather with the ZA alarm suite.

The latest version of Zone Alarm Free firewall works perfectly well with avast, despite being rather unfashionable round here at the moment.

Hi FF:

I have not had any trouble with the free version of ZoneAlarm on any of my WinXP machines, but I now have to install old versions of ZA on any Win98 comp that comes through. There still seem to be a lot of those out there. Until now I have used ZA exclusively. I am just trying something new. I guess I jumped in off topic.

Win98? Yep, that would require an older version, I see what you mean, but Comodo and PCTools firewalls require Win2000 according to the specs, don’t they?

I’ve heard talk that the latest version of ZA is buggy, and I think it’s mauserme that always recommends older versions even on XP, but I’ve found that the latest version doesn’t have the bugs that ZA used to have: not keeping rules after a reboot and removal/ reinstall problems.

Sorry about the confusion.

Win98? Yep, that would require an older version
And Vista would require a newer version which ZA hasn't been able to put together.

Precisely the reason why I jumped on the PC Tools Firewall Plus bandwagon.

I’ve stayed with Comodo… no troubles with XP SP2, although I think they’re not prepared (yet) for Vista… I’m not sure.

Precisely the reason why I jumped on the PC Tools Firewall Plus bandwagon.

Bit of a rickety bandwagon at the moment, judging by the bug fixes? :stuck_out_tongue:

PC Tools Firewall Plus contains fixes to issues found in the previous version. These include:
  1. Users could not connect to the internet because of ARP problems.
  2. now supports the following languages - English (US), English British, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Korean, Japanese, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian and French.
  3. Firewall disable Windows firewall on Vista.
  4. Fix a BUG that caused the FWLIB to ignore an Advanced Rule with custom Ethernet Type.
  5. A BUG that caused the s/w to browse to the wrong page when users tried to register online.
  6. Firewall could not shutdown Windows Firewall in windows 2003.
  7. Ethernet settings are not saved after firewall is shutting down.
  8. Provide full support for limited user Smart Update.
Users could not connect to the internet

That actually sounds like one of the wheels had fallen off! ;D

EDIT: Typo

Since you have to put up with me every day, the bandwagon wasn’t broken for me or I
would have been off-line… ;D

Hey Tech, The first beta that will work with Vista is scheduled for release on April 16.,6927.msg50682.html#msg50682