
I have been searching the forums for information on ZoneAlarm, and found this one message that says the issue with ZoneAlarm is fixed.

Does this mean it’s safe to run ZoneAlarm and Avast together with no conflicts?

I don’t want the anti-virus part of ZoneAlarm, only they firewall. I’m sure I would have to disable, or uninstall the Avast firewall.

Seems the myth lives on:


Thank you for the information.

Just curious, you already have a built in firewall in Windows 7 which works well without much chatter.
You also have the one from avast! available to you. Why are you looking for something else ???

I used ZoneAlarm years ago, and decided to see what its like now. I have to say I’m not impressed. I thought it was better ten years ago.

I will let it run for a day, but I like the Avast firewall better, and will change back to it.

I have never had any use for Windows firewall, I don’t like the user interface, and it doesn’t have IP Utilities like Avast does.

Also the ZoneAlarm forums are useless, the last post was four days ago.

Windows firewall only filters incoming traffic and if a trojan gets installed it can call home to its hearts content unless windows firewall has its outbound controlled which by the way is a PITA with windows 7.

I also would not recommend zonealarm as it has become a bloated monstrosity.
Most people on this or any other forum would suggest a bi-directional firewall for complete protection.
Your comment intrigues me about the windows firewall because why are the majority of people not using it.?
Answer that then i think the solution to your own query will become apparent.

Your arguments against the windows firewall in regard to its interface are pointless and ridiculous.
To judge a firewall by its interface is absurd and not worthy of further comment.

I will say the only problem with windows firewall is outbound filtering which i admit is a pain when doing it manually.But technically it has the same capabilities as most 3rd party firewalls.


I cannot stress this enough…The need for a 3rd party firewall is not necessary with Windows Vista, 7 or 8. The advancement in Windows Firewall with Advanced Security have come along way since the XP days. The majority of users are behind a router a with NAT. So that is all you need. All a software firewall does like Comodo, ZA or Outpost is provide a user with a sense false of security. Just cause you are getting pop ups left and right saying “xyz.exe wants to connect. Allow or Block” that does not mean your pc is more secure.

The problem with 3rd party firewalls is that you need to be knowledgeable enough to answer the pop ups properly. A prime example is Comodo D+. Outbound control is over rated and basically just for paranoid people who want granular control over there OS.

Regardless of what you Think. The interface is very important.

I like the interface of this forum, the way it’s laid out, and its ease of use.

With all due respect that is utter nonsense.
Are you saying the majority of members on this forum use windows firewall.?
The simple answer is…NO.
Maybe we should start a poll on which firewall members are using and then give a clear reason why they are using it.
My reason for using a 3rd party firewall is…?

Your statement simply does not ring true and i will explain why.
It is purely down to usabilty and most people simply can or will not configure windows firewall.


You happen to be totally wrong in your statement about the firewall in Windows 7.

Im sorry bob and with the highest respect to you.
Windows firewall in its default state allows all outgoing traffic and most users will use the firewall without realising this.
Could you care to clarify more on how my statement was wrong please.


It looks like you proved Arnold72 correct.

I’m not here to argue. Windows Vista, 7 and 8 all have built in firewall protection for both inbound and outbound protection.
Some versions require that you activate it. None of which changes the fact that it’s already part of your operating system and,
does the job it’s meant to do.

Thanks for sharing this link Bob it give me more to understand with Windows Firewall :wink: well maybe not so much.

Windows Vista, 7 and 8 Firewalls can be configured to be just as powerful as Comodo, ZA, Outpost and Online Armor. Follow this guide. There are several tools too you can use.

Im not trying to prove anyone correct or incorrect.Im just making an observation about the windows firewall.
This is the problem with it.
The usability is quite low.