Avast prevent me to use ZPHDial3 only on 1 of my 3 pcs , all of them use the recent 161221-2 VPS.
I don’t know why avast warms on 1 of my pc as far as I reach the file by official site or by my local network (no warm by other pc).
sorry it’s a slip of the key-board
Like at the virustotal test , I mean ZHPDiag3.
In fact it also appear with ZHPCleaner too.
Malwarebytes , adwcleaner , JRT don’t warm me anyway.
Edit:what I don’t understand is why my other winxpsp3 pc with same VPS doesn’t warm me anymore.
Edit2:I will try freefixer
Edit3:no more ZHP file with freefixer scan (see and search) , no more ZHP file found in my hard disk.
on the other hand , I have something strange about VPS data see screen.
Also , sometime a popup avast say me my VPS is out to date (even with last v)
I just using avast repair … without change
Maybe a clean install ?
Well , clean install has solved the problem as much for the release date as for the alert about the ZHP programs.
However, the program version is still obsolete (2015.10.2.2218).It is and it was since august 2015
I try again and again with last one (12.3.3154) , but always the same big issue of web shield won’t start
3 times avast support requested , Lukas never answer me , so back again to an old version :-[
10.2.2218 ok , next 10.3.2223 ko , don’t know what happen between theses versions…and avast no more know.
Edit:for those who can access support file , I sent zip file to avast support today when trying with 12.3.3154 : 20161222_1545_RXIXJ_988112629.zip