ZPHDial3 false positive ?


Avast prevent me to use ZPHDial3 only on 1 of my 3 pcs , all of them use the recent 161221-2 VPS.
I don’t know why avast warms on 1 of my pc as far as I reach the file by official site or by my local network (no warm by other pc).

However , it’s not very clean on virus total

What is the alert that avast is giving ?

And why are you showing the VT result for ZPHDiag3 and not ZPHDial3 ?

Hi chris05,

On ZHPDiag3…until we get a scan for what you mentioned ZPHDial3 or was that a slip of the key-board?

The software has some very strong “Kung-Fu”, and that is also why it has risks inbuilt for those that aren’t fully aware.
Comes with some additional questionable heuristically and generically flagged goodies: https://www.reasoncoresecurity.com/zhpdiag3.exe-75d27514d8105530c34f706c5afd93bf7ee1dea7.aspx and certainly has a high PUP risk.
See: http://www.freefixer.com/library/file/ZHPDiag3.exe-237749/

When you are francophone or master the French language (else use google translate), I would read here about the risks:


@Eddy and polonus

sorry it’s a slip of the key-board
Like at the virustotal test , I mean ZHPDiag3.
In fact it also appear with ZHPCleaner too.
Malwarebytes , adwcleaner , JRT don’t warm me anyway.

Edit:what I don’t understand is why my other winxpsp3 pc with same VPS doesn’t warm me anymore.
Edit2:I will try freefixer
Edit3:no more ZHP file with freefixer scan (see and search) , no more ZHP file found in my hard disk.


on the other hand , I have something strange about VPS data see screen.
Also , sometime a popup avast say me my VPS is out to date (even with last v)
I just using avast repair … without change
Maybe a clean install ?

Well , clean install has solved the problem as much for the release date as for the alert about the ZHP programs. :smiley:
However, the program version is still obsolete (2015.10.2.2218).It is and it was since august 2015
I try again and again with last one (12.3.3154) , but always the same big issue of web shield won’t start
3 times avast support requested , Lukas never answer me , so back again to an old version :-[
10.2.2218 ok , next 10.3.2223 ko , don’t know what happen between theses versions…and avast no more know.

Edit:for those who can access support file , I sent zip file to avast support today when trying with 12.3.3154 : 20161222_1545_RXIXJ_988112629.zip