1 unread mail message?

On the windows xp log on screen it says i have 1 unread mail message and i don’t anywhere. How do i get this message to go away?

This may help:


Thanks but tweakui is for Windows XP service pack 1. I have Windows XP service pack 3.

check all your mail applications, I don’t know what are in your windows, Outlook Express, Outlook, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail and… maybe there are one default mail in one of them…

If your comfortable working in the Registry, There’s a way to fix this in the second post by nass.


What makes you think that TweakUI is only for Service Pack 1?

I use it on XP SP3 with no problems.

That’s what I thought but wasn’t sure.

Only Tweakui or cmia

What is cmia?


I don’t understand the site. Is it German?

Yes, its German ;D
Here’s a translation from Google: click

I pefefer xp-AntiSpy:

Features: -Schutz vor Viren, Würmern und Schadcode durch deaktivieren unsicherer Betriebssystem Komponenten -Schutz vor Hackern und sog. Script-Kiddies -Schutz vor noch unentdeckten Sicherheitslücken -Fast 100 Funktionen zum Absichern von Windows XP, Media Player, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox... -Volle Kontrolle über Windows Update: Nur am Patch-Day aktivieren und ausführen -Integrierter Spurenlöscher löscht Surfspuren Von Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Flash Player, den DNS Cache, sowie diverse andere Verräterische Einträge in der Registry.

Can’t read German.


the site has English version too, itself
just click on “English” in lower left side