Hi, I have always had VRDB turned on but yesterday I tried setting it to generate when idle because I am using the avast screensaver which occured to me might be stopping it from generating. I also have several other things using the disk when it is idle such as windows desktop search.
Anyway I left my computer on today and I come back to it just now and it only has 100MB disk space free! it previously had nearly 7GB!(100GB partition). I can’t think of any reason why this would happen apart from the VRDB which must not have ever created the database before. Does it actually backup the whole of each file or something?
Anyways, I cant have it using that much space, I have disabled the VRDB generation. But I still have only 100MB space free, and I can’t find any option to delete it anywhere. I have also looked all over the internet but found nothing.
I really like the idea of the VRDB is there an option to set a size limit or something?
I need to get rid of the VRDB!!!
EDIT: I am using Avast! Home Edition 4.6.739 on XP Pro SP2
I’m pretty sure the problem is related to the recently-discovered bug in avast which causes it to leave certain large files in your TEMP folder while unpacking huge archives.
So can do I just delete the contents of avast4 in C:\windows\temp? Is there any other temp places that I can remove?
So how much space should the VRDB take up when I have used about 95GB?
The avast4 folder is 4GB. I get the feeling that that is around about as much space as was free because I havnt looked in a few days and I recently started a very large download.
Thanks I saw that int file and thought it looked like it but it seemed to small so I assumed the actual stuff was stored elsewhere. I have turned VRDB back on.
I have no idea why but when I deleted the avast folder I suddenly had 11GB free. even though the folder was 4GB! I’m confused. I hope I havnt accidently deleted some important folder of mine or something. any ideas? Everything seems to be still there. don’t know where the extra space came from but it wasn’t there when I turned on my computer 20mins ago.