[11.1.2254] instup.exe stuck and consumed 25% of CPU during uninstall

Hello all,

instup.exe stuck and consumed 25% of CPU (1 of 4 cores) during uninstalling Avast.
This is not a new issue, I had same experiences for previous build.

I uploaded a memory dump of instup.exe to avast FTP, so if someone of the devs interested in this issue, please look into it.
Filename: NON_instup.7z

I would blame Comodo (guard32.dll) as it is present on stack during moving files. To be 100 % sure, dump it again few seconds (minutes) later.

Thank you for the analysis, drake127.

So that’s mean Comodo is interfering avast during uninstall?
I have to wait for a while (maybe hour?) to complete the uninstall process, or it is already frozen and not going forward anymore?

I didn’t have plans to uninstall avast now, so I’ll dump the process twice (or more) next time.

Yes, Comodo is hooking MoveFile in our setup but I am not certain why or what it is actually meant to do. It’s true that our uninstaller deletes a lot of files (thousands) so if Comodo stalls every file for few seconds, it could take hours to uninstall. It’s also possible that it deadlocked somehow but that’s more of a question for them. I’ll tell our QA to check it out, if it happens every time, we probably have to fix it anyway.

BTW: Is there any sort of update for Comodo? I see you have version from September 2015 (at least that guard32.dll).

It might be Comodo’s Viruscope (behavior blocker) feature, I have it enabled for all applications.

As for the update of Comodo, indeed there is an update according to their Release Notes.
The only fix described is a compatibility fix for Win10 and that’s why I skipped this update… but I should update it before next testing.
Thanks for the suggestion.