11 hrs old threat already taken down or non-detect?

See: http://ninjafirewall.com/malware/?threat=2014-01-25.01
See: http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/exelhosting.com/post.php
A lot of live malware on other domains on same IP: http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/viruses.php?sort=firstseen%20desc&review=213.171.193.%
The other IP in the ninja firewall report is a content spammer/spam harvester on a toxic IP address from mainland China.
Custom errors fail is a hazardous security issue, see: https://asafaweb.com/Scan?Url=exelhosting.com
also minor warnings listed as excessive header info and clickjacking vulnerability.
At sucuri’s I get after a re-scan: Unable to properly scan your site. Site empty (no content).
Not a hosting site I would choose. :wink:
