Zygote and Glass Plate ;D
Cool!!! Can you also make an LCARS like skin??? (LCARS being the Star Trek Enterprise computer…)
You read my mind!!!
Thanks mina… Anyway these skins were posted a long time ago… :-\
Maybe avast! could have a service to warn the users:
- e-mail or
- News at the top of the homepage or
- avast! iNews
the skins that you posted here were Atomich Arch, Petite and Petite Blue (As far as I remember)…
I did not realize any other post about availability of new skins. ???
thanx any way Tech. ;D
yes the LCARS skin would be a great addition
Im a big Lt. Worf Fan
awesome!!.. ;D
How are the skin made anyway? Can anyone do it? or do you got to have access the avast source code?
I’d like to cast a vote for an LCARS skin.
My question at your links remains un-answered…
Pffff… It’s not that easy to create a skin. But I am giving it a try. This is my base-frame…
Wait a moment, I thought we were supposed to make the LCARS skin, not you!
But your right, if we had 2 of them it’d be even better… ;D

Wait a moment, I thought we were supposed to make the LCARS skin, not you!
I am sure, you will have one way before I do ;D I just see it as a challenge to see if I can make one. My graphic skills are very basic, so I will have to see how far I can get. And if it works out… the more the better…