When I hover over buttons, I can’t see those button explanation “clouds” any more… why ?
avast! Sound scheme is not disabled in avast! settings, and I still can’t hear that sound when I just pass over button. I can hear sound when I hit the button, though, but not when I just fly over the button…
Maybe I should add that this is happening on all skins… no matter what skin is active, still no sound. Everyone knows that everything was ok with skins, it’s just now not working…
Sorry to find that you two are having a sound problem.
I am not having this problem after the update. I get sound when hovering over the buttons as well as anywhere else over the LCARS skin where I did before.
That’s the biggest problem… All those sound in LCARS skin are working fine here also… and that’s only 'cause I integrated those sounds into skin. You can not erase those sounds or replace them with some different sounds by your choice… those are inside the skin and only those are working fine at this point…
Another error I found… no matter if we disable avast sounds or enable avast sounds, you can always hear internal LCARS sounds when you use that skin. That’s not the way it suppose to be. So, it looks like error is 100% somewhere in latest avats! program update. If you disable avast original sounds from avast settings, you shouldn’t hear LCARS sounds at all… that’s the way I made that skin to work like that. It was fine before latest update, but now something is really wrong…
So if you open the Control Panel → Sounds and Multimedia Devices → Sounds, what does it say to the sounds in the avast category? Can they be found? If not, where do they point to?
They are all inside where they should be, pointing to my custom made sounds like it was before. I mean, that’s basic stuff Vlk… I never touched anything, but after last update I’ve noticed that I can’t hear some sounds… and also, no matter you disable or enable avast! sounds, you can still hear those internat LCARS sounds in LCARS skin. Before, it was like this - If I disable avast! sounds I was able to hear LCARS sound effects, and if I enable avast! internat sounds, I was unable to hear LCARS sounds in LCARS skin… that’s the way it suppose to work and it was working OK just before latest program update…
For me, any skin make a sound when I pass the mouse over a button…
Unfortunatelly, I disable the sound of ‘virus updates’ action and I cannot tell anything. :-\