
When starting my computer, I am getting a request to allow 20130912.exe to be added to the Registry as a run once entry (I have all new start-up entries blocked until I authorise them). It says that this is being generated by Avast! and the file location is in the Avast! directory structure and seems to relate to a process called ‘emupdate’.

Is this genuine? There are three other family members in the household, all using Avast!, and none are receiving this message. I’ve disabled & deleted the Registry entry for the moment but I’m concerned that it may be an important part of Avast! and it should be run.

Anyone help?

That is the Avast emergency update process, it would be best to always set all avast processes to allow all to keep avast functioning correctly and your system better protected.

Thanks Craigb for the quick response.

I can see the emergency update connection but what I’m worried about is why this should suddenly appear when no other computers in the household have this message. I have the latest program version and the definitions file is updated automatically.

Having used Avast! for 3 years now, this is the first time I’ve ever had a message like this, hence my scepticism and reluctance to proceed.

Hard to answer that one as there could be differences between the 4 systems you have and whether their all set to block new startups and how those blocks were performed, there maybe be differences in the exclusions set for avast between the other systems if you have any in place ???

The other systems might already have the emergency update or not even need it, as you can see there are just to many variables to know why your system is asking and not the others but rest assured it is an avast process.

Thanks craigb.

I’ve deleted the process for the moment but it’s bound to re-appear when I reboot. I’ll let it complete this time.

Here’s hoping. (fingers crossed)

Once again, thanks for the rapid response and for being there to help.


Your welcome :slight_smile: