Tried today with BSOD 2015.10.2.2215 since it was supposed to address BSOD issues, no luck.
First boot after install gives me a BSOD stop 0x0000000A with no way to recover.
I have gone into safe mode, uninstalled, then used avastclear.exe but still BSOD on first boot.
Installing avast_pro_antivirus_setup for Avast Pro
2015.10.2.2215 and 2015.10.2.2214 cause this issue 2015.10.0.2208 worked fine.
Support ticket submitted with XZSMC.
I somehow got '2214 to boot without a BSOD but then had “Avast background service is not running” clicking to turn on would not start service.
Updated with correct support ticket number - had wrong number
we can’t find your support package, are you sure you have sent it to us? Can you send it to use once again using this tool and make sure that in settings there is “Automatically send to Avast” option ticked. After sending it please don’t forget to post package ID here.
Or you can send it directly to me, . You can attach minidumps/full memory dumps as well. (C:\Windows\Minidump or C:\Windows\Memory.dmp) for full memory dumping your machine has to be set. Great tool for that is
I have emailed you
20150319_1436_RNN97_3405299215 was from build 2214 generated with avastsupport.exe
20150324_1623_XZSMC_1433531852 was from build 2215 generated with avastsupportR2.exe
I have also resubmitted again as you requested. New name is
20150324_2020_MOMLK_342889081 from build 2215 generated with avastsupportR2.exe