Today I did a clean uninstall of 17.3.2291 (and ran avastclear.exe), then used the installer for the beta version avast_internet_security_setup_online.exe to install BETA 17.4.2293 (Build 17.4.3470.0) on this machine (Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-bit)).
During the install process I gave it the activation code. However, it wasn’t until I ran avastsupport.exe that I realized that the activation code during the install process did not take, and later I used the exact same activation code on the subscription page in the UI and it took.
Now having repeated the clean install process, I am not so sure the installer didn’t keep the activation code. Like before, I copied the activation code and pasted it into the appropriate spot during the install, and later after it was installed and did the initial Smart Scan, I went to settings → subscription, and I saw that it was showing the “Have you already purchased an Avast product?” but I didn’t notice whether or not the Avast Internet Security was already active, so I supplied the activation code a second time.
This time this was with beta version 17.4.2294 (build 17.4.3482.0), using the online installer for Avast Internet Security that I downloaded about 90 minutes ago.
UI suggestion: list the registered products above the question, “Have you already purchased an Avast product?”, or put some notation on the same line as the product.