Re two warnings as ASP.Net website:
Blacklisted malware IDs alerts:
WordPress Version
Version does not appear to be latest 4.8.3 - update now. Contabo Abuse!
WordPress Plugins
The following plugins were detected by reading the HTML source of the WordPress sites front page.
contact-form-7 4.8 latest release (4.9.1) Update required
Plugins are a source of many security vulnerabilities within WordPress installations, always keep them updated to the latest version available and check the developers plugin page for information about security related updates and fixes.
Warning User Enumeration is possible
The first two user ID’s were tested to determine if user enumeration is possible.
ID User Login
1 None sperker
2 None eren
It is recommended to rename the admin user account to reduce the chance of brute force attacks occurring. As this will reduce the chance of automated password attackers gaining access. However it is important to understand that if the author archives are enabled it is usually possible to enumerate all users within a WordPress installation.
Externally Linked Host Hosting Provider Country Contabo GmbH Germany
Reverse DNS address: → → RC4
Your server’s encryption settings are vulnerable. This server uses the RC4 cipher algorithm which is not secure.
Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 cert.
F-grade security status and recommendations:
1 vuln. library detected:!/scan/3736b2c5654f3e9e5083e153cf6fca935246ac4d9d3d7899adf4540bdad1e9fc
Various issues:
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)