We have the free education license and I have one computer dedicated to avast control panel and control.
This is a brand new installation.
Tried to deploy avast onto one computer in a classroom from another computer (just to get used to the interface) … and low and behold - avast installed on ALL the computers - that in itself is ok – -but it appears that a 30 day trial installed on all the computers … not the free educational license.
Using Small Office Administration Console for avast! Endpoint Protection Suite - I did enter the license key ok - and it does list all the computers attached to the network.
So I ripped Avast completely off my server in a fit of frustration. I then installed SOA, making NO other changes to my server. Clients are deploying as I type this and successfully checking in to the SOA console. The clients (FINALLY) show avast! Administration Console in the Settings > Troubleshooting.
In fact, it even converted my standalone clients to be managed.
The only thing I can conclude is that the edu license doesn’t support EAC, even though it’s a download option on the EDU page and I takes the licensing file just fine.
I’m contemplating installing all the clients with SOA and then replacing SOA with EAC to see if that works. It’s been quite a frustrating ride.
I was having this problem with AEA and discovered that as soon as I ran “find computers” it would mark the computers as licensed even though I had not installed Avast on them yet. (If you are having the same problem, you will notice that your computer catalog ‘screen’ icons will show a key on them.
I completely emptied my Computer Catalog and then manually added a few machines I wanted to test on. Now the client pushes out properly as a licensed copy.
If the console finds more machines in your environment than you have licenses, you will encounter issues… multiple
If for whatever reason you can’t clean your AD/DNS, send an email to edu@avast.com and explain the situation and they’ll increase your license count.
Perhaps that’s the issue. The console finds thousands of devices via discovery, but I only deploy to a select few of those. I would think it wouldn’t matter how many it finds versus how many are actually managed. That sounds more like a bug or poor design if true.