Im getting these files created on my desktop. 400.vps.bad, 400.vps.bad1, etc. Im assuming its happening when the automatic VPS update fails as usually when they appear I can see that the VPS is a day or so old.
Running the Manual update usually will clear everything up for a few days then they appear again.
Hallo, that 400.vps.bad file is a freshly downloaded new VPS which was checked and found corrupted.
This means that the VPS was downloaded but is probably unusable (using it would be security sirk, because its contents might be forged/malformed). Thus, it’s labelled “bad”, placed on desktop (for further analysdis what happened and/or what was actually downloaded) and the original vps (which was included in the installation package and was proven correct) is used instead as a fail-safe replacement. Try to push “check update” button and download it again.
Btw. please, send the 400.vps.bad file to me ( for further analysis, what went wrong.
Hmm, I have got nothing so far - maybe the address was wrong, or the size of attachment was over some limit on your SMTP gateway?
Anyway, the 400.vps.bad, when created, is also allerted with a window that says what MD5 was expected, and what MD5 was conmputed from the particular file. Then, check it from terminal using md5 utility, whether the file is really bad - and in this case, send it (preferably zipped) to, thanks in advance.
hmm Apple’s .Mac SMTP servers attachment limit is 20MB so it should have been fine, ill zip and resend might have been the double file extension getting blocked.
Ive not seen the box with the MD5 error, most likely because this is happening on the auto update when im away from the computer. but here is the terminal output showing the MD5 of the 400.vps.bad file:
Last login: Wed May 14 22:28:17 on ttys000
kyle-barkers-mac-mini:~ Kyle$ cd desktop
kyle-barkers-mac-mini:desktop Kyle$ MD5 400.vps.bad
MD5 (400.vps.bad) = e13860998256471a503bc9c1658d9b88
Have got it from .:Mac:., thanks.
The downloaded 400.vps was truncated at cca 30% of its nominal size, and that was why it was reported as corrupted. Now it’s time to check for the cause of such corrupted downloading…
zilog@zilog:~$ ls -l 400.vps.bad
-rw-r–r-- 1 zilog users 5160960 May 10 03:38 400.vps.bad
zilog@zilog:~$ printf %x 5160960